Happy 3rd Trimester to me 🙂
Date:Â 6/22/18
How far along? 28 Weeks and 3 days
Baby Size? almost 15 inches long
Total weight gain:Â 15.5 pounds from starting weight
Maternity clothes? Maternity shorts for sure and then a mix of maternity and regular tops and dresses.
Miss Anything? Wine, working out, indulging in sushi – I don’t know whats happened but I have not been working out at all this pregnancy with the exception of a few spin classes.  I really miss it.  Now I’m just trying to fit in some longer walks.
Movement:Â Yes! Lots of good movement especially when I’m lying down at night.
Symptoms:Â Some heartburn here and there and shortness of breathe. Â Madelyn kills me when she wants to be carried up our stairs. Â I’m dying by the time I get to the top!
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Sleep: Im still sleeping pretty well, but I can feel myself right on the verge of not being able to sleep. Â I’m super exhausted come night time and even the afternoons. Â I sometimes will have a little coffee in the afternoon to power through the day and I know that is terrible for me come bedtime. Â Last night, I was having the craziest leg pains down my right leg. Â It was like she was sitting on a nerve that was debilitating my leg. Â I pray that doesn’t happen again!
Best moment this week:Â Entering into the 3rd trimester. Â Can’t believe were finally here! Â I also passed my Glucose test, Yippee! We had the best week on vacation last week at the beach with friends and family. Â I thought it was going to be super hard not being able to drink all week, but it really wasn’t too bad! Â The first 16 weeks of my pregnancy went by so slow, but now things seem to be going really fast! Â It’s almost July and next week we are celebrating Brody turning FIVE!
Exercise: I have done a few random spin classes here and there on my Peloton. Â I keep thinking I will get into a groove of 3 per week or so, but it is totally not happening!
Anything making you queasy or sick:Â Nope!
Gender Prediction: It’s a GIRL.  We were able to find out at an ultrasound at 16 weeks that we’re having a girl. Â
Labor Signs: No
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time. Â A little short tempered or tired some of the time.
Looking forward to:Â Celebrating Brody’s birthday next week and then we enter into July which happens to be a really busy month for us full of fun stuff! Â I keep saying that the next 6 weeks or so are going to fly by and then I feel like once August rolls around, I’m going to be so ready for this baby to be here.
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When we were in Rosemary Beach last week, we had family photos taken by Teston Photography, and I snapped a few maternity pictures while we were there! Â I never had maternity photos done with my other two babies, so it was fun to snap a couple. Â They turned out really cute!

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