Date: 9/8/15
How far along? {38weeks+2days}
Baby Size? Baby is the size of a Watermelon
Total weight gain: 34 lbs – exactly where I was with Brody at this time.
Maternity clothes? Yes, but still have a few things in my non-maternity wardrobe that I can wear.
Movement: Tons of movement and they are getting really strong. She moves all the time but moves the most at night as soon as I lay down in bed.
Symptoms: Wanting a nap or rest every afternoon. I’m out of breath from carrying Brody up the stairs. I still get restless legs every night and some acid indigestion.
Belly Button in or out? its kind of flat now.
Wedding rings on or off? Off
Best moment this week: Brody starting back school today! I’m so glad he’s going to have some time to get back into the routine of school before baby girls arrival. We also enjoyed a nice 3 day weekend as a family keeping it pretty low key.
Exercise: A few walks with Brody
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not anymore!
Gender Prediction: It’s a GIRL. We were able to find out at an ultrasound at 16 weeks that we’re having a girl.
Labor Signs: I’ve finally been feeling some contractions/braxton hicks the last week or so. Sometimes they feel pretty strong, but don’t last long.
Happy or Moody most of the time: A little of both!
Doctor’s Update: At my 38 week appointment the doc said I was 1 cm (barely) and 50% effaced. He stripped my membranes which was painful, but thankfully quick. He did this when I was pregnant with Brody at my 39 week appointment, but it didn’t seem to help change things too much.
And if you have missed any of my pregnancy updates this time around, here they are:
36 Weeks Round 2
Hoping that the next couple of weeks go smoothly for you before baby girl's arrival!! 🙂
So exciting!! You look great & I'm sure you can't wait for her arrival! Glad things are still going good so far!!
She's almost here!! You look so great! I'm glad you are all healthy and things are moving along (although slowly to you I'm sure!)
You look great! Fingers crossed she decides to make an appearance soon 🙂 I know how exhausting the last few weeks are with a toddler!! Can't wait to hear the good news.
Ahhh you're so close, baby girl is almost here! How excited is Brody to be a big brother?
Hang in there girl! You're looking great and you're SO CLOSE to meeting baby girl! WOOHOO!
Just a couple of weeks to go! So excited for you guys!:)
SO CLOSE!! you look great! I cannot wait to "meet" her via the internet haha. Does Brody have any idea what's going on?!
Youre just all bump! You look great! I had my membranes stripped TWICE two days apart and finally Baby Girl #2 decided to arrive the next morning. Come on Madalyn!