A Day in the Life | Madelyn 2.5 and Brody almost 5

I can’t believe its been a year since I have done one of these posts.  I know they are always a popular read and I always love reading other peoples.  They are really fun to look back on too!  I loved looking back and reading this one as we adjusted to life with two kids and my most popular video on my YouTube channel is that time I attempted to make a Day in the Life VLOG!  It’s really terrible quality and one day I’m going to do another one because I think my skills have improved!  Anyway, here is a quick look at our day as we approach the end of school.

Here is a look at our Wednesday  (May 16th) during the 2nd to last week of school:

6:30am Madelyn walks into our room with her blankie and comes and snuggles right up to her Mama.  We lay in bed and sleep for another hour.

7:15am Brody wakes up and comes into our room.  Matt is just getting out of the shower and Brody wants one too.  He puts Brody in shower while he gets ready and then he gets Brody out of shower to get him dressed.

7:40am Matt kisses us goodbye and I turn on Mickey Mouse in my room for the kids to watch while I take a quick shower and get dressed.

8am Me and the kids head downstairs for breakfast and get ready for school.  I make some oatmeal and the kids each have a waffle.  I also pack their lunches for school.

8:40am We load up the car and bring our dog, Bella, with us because we have to drop her off at the groomer before we head to school.

9am Drop the kids off at school and I head to my appointment to have my fake eyelashes filled.

915am Eyelash appointment.  I turn on my audiobook “Into the Water” by Paula Hawkins while she works her magic.

11:30am I head to lunch to meet with a new nanny/babysitter that is going to help out our family when baby #3 arrives.  My Mom also calls and says she is going to be close to the kids school around pick up time and she will grab them for me and bring them to the house!

1pm I head home to meet my Mom and the kiddos.

1:15pm The kids arrive home and are on a popsicle kick, so they have one before its time for naps.  They play for a few minutes and then I bring Madelyn up for a nap and Brody has some quiet playtime in the playroom.

2pm I start this blog post and get a few things done around the house.  Then I sort through the box of Madelyns baby clothes that are 0 to 6 months and do a little organizing.

4pm I play with Brody for a little bit and then Madelyn wakes up.

5pm Matt walks through the door which is really early for him (he is usually not home until 6 or 630).  I had to ask him to come home early tonight because I had to walk to see my hairdresser for a quick appointment.  This has never happened before, but when she did my hair on Monday, a couple of strands turned out bluish/gray and she had to re-tone it.  So I basically got a free blowout!

6pm I head back home and we decide to walk somewhere with the kids for dinner because its a nice evening.

7:30pm We make it back home and go straight up for bath time.  The kids take a quick back and get in their jammies.

8pm We tag team the kids to bed — I take Brody and Matt gets Madelyn and then we crawl in bed too!

9pm We watch the Fate and the Furious as I finish this blog post because its on TV and then call it a night.

Cozy Morning Snuggles watching Mickey Mouse 

Lunch – Uncrustable, goldfish, fruit and fruit snacks

My fake eyelashes 

Madelyn playing after she gets home from school.  She’s always a total mess when she gets home. 

Me sorting through baby clothes…

Kids in the stroller as we head to dinner

Bath time with these cute little booties…

The kids finish up school next week and then its summer!  Madelyn starts swim lessons the first week they are out of school and then both of the kids have a few different camps that they are doing over the next couple of months!

You can read all of our Day in the Life posts here.

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  1. Owen Davis wrote:

    I love these posts! Crazy to see how life changes as the kids get older

    Posted 5.17.18
  2. My boys are on a recent Popsicle kick, too!

    Posted 5.17.18
  3. Katie wrote:

    Those baby clothes! Eek! Your kids are precious. I love reading these posts! I couldn’t link up for some reason! So I will leave my link here!

    Posted 5.17.18
  4. I remember your last day in the life post – I think they’re so fun! You go mama, busy day!! You have such a beautiful family!

    Posted 5.17.18
  5. Chelsea wrote:

    Love reading these!!! Especially since Jack and Colin are same ages and our day looks very similar!

    Posted 5.18.18
  6. Katie Bearden wrote:

    Hey Annie! I’m expecting my third baby end of November. Curious how often you will have help from your babysitter/nanny? Also how did you go about finding someone you can trust?
    We don’t have any family in town so this would be very helpful for me once our newborn comes. My boys will be in school pre K and first grade but I’m sure I could still use a hand.

    Posted 5.23.18
    • annieamalone@gmail.com wrote:

      Starting in September when the new baby gets here, I will have help 3 mornings a week. The plan is for her to come at around 730am which is when my husband is usually out the door for work and she will help me get the big kids dressed, fed, and ready for school while I feed or attend to newborn. Then we will switch and she will hang with newborn while I take big kids to School and run any errands that need to be done :). Hope that helps!

      Posted 5.23.18

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