Four Months
Weight: I weighed him a few weeks ago and he was 15lbs, so I’m excited to see what he weighs now at our 4 month appointment on Tuesday. **update from doc appt** 16.3lbs and 26.5″long
Clothes: Size 3 diapers and clothes range from 6 months to 12 months. You are pretty much grown out of most of your 3 month clothing.
Sleep: You started sleeping through the night just after you turned 2 months old and did great for about 6 weeks straight, now all of the sudden, you have stopped. The last week or so, you started waking up once in the middle of the night and act like you are absolutely starving!! I’m hoping this is just a growth spurt and we can get back to 10-12 hours of straight sleep. We have moved your bath time up to about 6:30 and you are usually asleep by about 7 or 7:15. Some of our sleep issues may have to do with trying to ween you out of the swaddle which makes you a total wild man in the crib.
Feeding: We try to keep your schedule on track as much as possible. This month you pretty much started eating at 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, and 7pm. You take 4-6oz per feeding.
- blowing bubbles
- your playmat
- your Jumperoo
- pulling hair
- your hands in your mouth as a chew toy
- sitting up either in your bumbo or assisted on the sofa
- being outside either during our walks or just in general it seems to soothe you
- baby carrier as long as you are facing outward
- the carseat – this has improved tremendously, thank God.
- things going over your head – this is much better this month too!
- sometimes loud, sudden noises startle you like the dogs barking during your naps

We traveled to Mobile for the weekend to play with your buddy Baylor.

- beginning stages of teething, but no teeth buds showing yet
- laughing; it comes from the belly and is so sweet
- talking like crazy
- you can entertain yourself much better with your toys as you can grab and hold on to them now
- you are trying really hard and very close to rolling from back to stomach
- first time to the Pumpkin Patch
- first time for Mom and Dad to leave you overnight for a whole weekend with your grandmothers!
Belly Laughs
Mommy kissing you goodbye before we leave for the weekend!
Your Grandmothers taught you how to read while we were gone…William Sonoma
Playing with all of your toys
Places You’ve Gone:
- We’ve taken you to several restaurants now and you’ve been very well behaved
- I took you to my 2 hour hair appointment and you were a sweetheart then fell asleep while she was blowing my hair dry so then I strolled you over while I got a manicure 🙂
- Traveled to Mobile to visit Baylor and we went to the Pumpkin Patch
- Lunch at Jackson’s with Papa Bear
hanging out while Mom gets her hair done
Lunch at Jackson’s with Papa Bear
This seems to be the funnest age so far. Your laugh and smile definitely melt Mom’s heart and you are only becoming more and more generous with them. Your “witching hour” is slowly dissipating and you are becoming more and more content every day. You look like a little boy to me now already and no longer have that alien precious newborn look to you anymore! You make life entertaining everyday and we love you so much you little rascal!
He is precious!! I love his sweet little outfits!