Hey friends! Word is out! We are expecting baby #3 arriving this September!
I am so sorry this blog has been completely quiet since mid January. It was not planned, but I have not been feeling well at all; so blogging took a back seat. Hopefully I can start slowly getting back into the swing of things since I’m starting to feel slightly more normal again. I was looking back on my pregnancy announcement with Madelyn (almost exactly 3 years ago) and I thought I would structure this one the same. Here’s a few Q&A’s to answer a little bit about this pregnancy.
How far along are you and how are you feeling?
We are 14 weeks along and it has been a rough one! I always hate to sound like I am complaining because I am so grateful to be pregnant, but anyone that has experienced terrible all-day nausea with their pregnancies knows the feeling. It’s tough. It started the day I turned 7 weeks pregnant and it was horrible (couldn’t get out of bed except to throw up) for a full two weeks (weeks 8 and 9). It honestly seemed like it was never going to go away. It got a little better and had to make myself get out of bed and live life. The nausea has definitely stayed around, but now it seems to come in the morning and in the evenings and I get a little relief during the day. I’m still dealing with it, but I do see some light at the end of the tunnel. I am down about 5lbs but I am able to eat again, so I’m sure I will start gaining weight soon. I think with Madelyn it took until about 16 or 18 weeks until I started to fully feel normal again, so I’m thinking it could be the same this time around.
How did you find out?
We found out while we were on vacation in Disney World at the beginning of January. I actually took a pregnancy test before we left because I thought we might be pregnant. It came back negative, so I guess I was taking it a little too early. We left for our trip and I was feeling good. Matt would ask me everything morning when we woke up if Aunt Flo paid a visit and I kept saying no! ahah. So finally on our last day, I took another test and it was positive! We waited a little while before we told the kids because we knew they could easily slip the news.
Will you find out the gender?
Yes, I’m not sure who is worse with surprises…me or Matt?? But yes, we will find out in the next few weeks!
Do you think it is a boy or a girl?
My guess is 100% girl because of the way I have felt this pregnancy. With Brody, I was a tiny bit nauseous for maybe two weeks but never threw up. With Madelyn, I was super sick like this but Matt swears it is even worse this time around. I think he is right.
What do you miss so far?
I definitely miss just feeling like myself again. I miss my normal routine, being able to do my normal things and being able to eat and drink what I like. I honestly feel like I spend my days just wishing the hours away rather than my normal life of being so busy that there are never enough hours in the day! Does that make any sense? It just doesn’t feel great to do anything, so I’m just ready for a new day in hopes that I feel better! Isn’t that terrible?? It is getting better and the sun and being outside definitely helps me. I miss being able to grocery shop and cook meals for my family. I literally haven’t cooked a thing in the kitchen for 7 weeks. And I honestly don’t see that changing in the weeks ahead. It makes me feel terrible.
Was it planned?
Yes! I know that I’ve talked about us having a third baby on here before. I knew I wanted to wait until after Madelyn turned two before we even started thinking about adding another baby to the mix and I’m so glad we did. I just truly wasn’t ready before then. I’m super excited to have a 5 year old and 3 year old when we welcome our new baby. I have to admit that I was not prepared to feel like this again for this pregnancy. I had convinced myself that I would have an easy pregnancy and I would not be this nauseous again. So mentally, I was not prepared for this; but honestly, there is nothing you can do to prepare for feeling this way.
I have truly missed all of you guys too! I hated having to take a break from this blog and most of my social media. The computer screens and even my cell phone screen would make me super nauseated. I had so many of you guys email or DM me just to check on us or guess that we were pregnant. I loved hearing from you guys and appreciated your sweet comments or concerns.
So so happy for you all!!! I’m hoping you start to feel better soon, the all day nausea is the worst!! I had it with both my boys
I am so happy for you! I am hoping you start feeling better soon, nausea is miserable! All worth it for a healthy little babe though! Hang in there momma
So happy for y’all and sounds like you’re over the hump! Cannot imagine how awful that was!
So happy for you, but I’m sorry you’re feeling like such crud. It is the WORST, but hang in there and soon it will be a distant memory. Can’t wait to find out what you’re having, but I’m with you and totally guessing it’s a little girl.
So happy for you guys! I have been silently following you for a couple years and I am due with my first in August
Can’t wait to follow along!
So excited for you guys!!! And I’m so sorry you’ve been so sick
That is seriously the worst part! I hope you start to feel some relief in your second trimester! Can’t wait to find out what you guys are having!
That’s awesome! Congratulations!
That is so exciting! Congratulation! I hope you start to feel better soon! Sierra~Beautifully Candid
Congrats again!
Congratulations on Baby #3 – how exciting!! I love that you found out while you were at Disney, that makes it even more special!! Hope you start feeling better! Can’t wait to follow along
YAY!! Congrats on baby number three. I am sure he or she will be beautiful! Y’all make beautiful children. I hope the nausea goes away soon!
Oh my goodness! Such exciting news! So sorry you are feeling so sick. I hope that passes soon. Cannot wait to find out what you are having. I started following along when Brody was about 2 and love watching families bloom.
Hope your start feeling better soon!! I was super nauseous this pregnancy which is a girl and was not at all with Olivers’s pregnancy so I’m a firm believer in sickness = girl!
Me too
HUGE congrats mama to you all! I’m so sorry to hear you’re not feeling well, I know how tough that can be. I’m hoping for relief for you and SOON! XOXOXO
So excited for ya’ll!!
So excited for ya’ll!!
Congratulations! I was wondering where you went!!
I hope you get to feeling better soon!
Congrats and I’m on the girl train. I was so sick for five months with mine and my niece is pregnant with a girl due in August and she’s so sick with nausea. Hope you start feeling better soon!
Congrats! That is so exciting!