Five Things I’ll Do Differently with Baby #2

1. I will use my Canon Rebel T3 to take photos of new baby rather than my iPhone.
This has made me really sad lately.  Recently I went through photos of the last two years to find some great pictures to print and put up around the house.  Almost all of them were terrible quality and won’t print well.   They always look good from my iPhone, but once you try and print them, they look grainy and out of focus!  I was really bad about it when he was a newborn.  I would try and catch his first smile or laugh and just grab my iPhone because it was close by.  I am going to make sure to use my DSLR more with the next baby.  The pictures always turn out so much better!  

2. I will start out making baby food rather than use Pouches bought from the store.
This is a tough one because of course I said I was going to make Brody’s baby food too, but I mostly failed in that department.  I did make a few rounds of food for him, but I found that he liked the store bought packets better.  So I saved myself the trouble 🙂 I think the trick is to only give them the homemade baby food and not the one’s from the store.  Then they won’t know what they’re missing.  Brody happens to be a very picky eater, so I’m hoping to get a non-picky eater next!  But I will do my best to introduce her to as many healthy foods as I can.
image via

3.  I will WEAR my baby! 
I wore Brody some, but I never found they he really loved it the way a lot of babies do.  I blamed it on myself thinking that I didn’t start him in it early enough or wear him often enough to really get him used to it.   This time around, I plan to wear the baby more and start early.  Mostly, I don’t think I’ll even have a choice.  I’ll need both hands free and will be chasing a toddler around.  Below are the two baby carriers I had for Brody.  Hopefully they will work well for this baby.  Did you carry your baby a lot???

Solly Baby Wrap (I also have the Ergo Baby Carrier)

4.  I will start trying early on for baby to nap in crib.
Brody napped in his swing or in the car (or on me) for the first 6 months of his life.  He was the only child, it was just us at home, and Mama was too lazy to go upstairs and put him in the crib for every nap.  He always fell asleep in the swing, so it just seemed easier to leave him there.  I plan to get new baby used to napping in her crib (and of course there will be naps on the fly in her car seat).  I don’t want to worry about having to be quiet with Brody all the time because the newborn is sleeping and it will be best to have her nap in her room.  

5.  I will try to be more aware of foods I’m eating that may upset a nursing baby.
I have to admit that I really didn’t give up a lot when I was nursing with Brody.  I ate garlic and onions and drank caffeine, dairy and a glass or two of wine without feeling too guilty.  I did avoid things like cabbage, BBQ, and maybe a couple other things that people told me might upset the baby. I’m going to try and be more aware of how the baby is reacting to things that I eat or drink this time around.  What did you find you had to give up to keep your baby happy when breastfeeding??


Tell me…What will you do differently the second time around or what have you already done differently?? 

Stay tuned for the 5 things that I’ll do the same with baby #2 next Friday!!!

Linking up with April for Five on Friday, Amanda,  and Farmer Bell for Oh Hey Friday.
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  1. Yes to all of these! I need to remind myself to do these all next time when we have Baby #2!

    Posted 7.17.15
  2. I guess I better invest in a nice DSLR because all I have is my iPhone! I agree that once you try to print them they never turn out as good! Have you heard about the Soothe Shirt by Lalabu Baby? It's a nursing shirt that has a pouch so you can carry your baby around in it. I follow them on IG and I plan to get a shirt for when the baby comes. These are some great tips for a first time mom like myself!
    Ally- Life as I know it

    Posted 7.17.15
  3. Tess wrote:

    Loved the perspective on this – and I want to do all of that the first time around (except I'm hoping I don't have to forgo coffee and wine!!). I just bought the solly wrap and Joel and I were practicing wrapping that thing last night…seems like such a genius invention!

    Posted 7.17.15
  4. I definitely felt the same way about most of these with Greyson. You learn so much after your first and feel so motivated with #2 because of knowledge!

    Posted 7.17.15
  5. I am so bad about just using my iPhone to snap pictures. These are all great things to keep in mind with my first, so thanks for sharing!!

    Posted 7.17.15
  6. Jillian Manesh wrote:

    hahah violet is sleeping on my lap right now…. she naps SO much longer that way haha but i do try to put her in her crib for afternoon naps (that doesnt always work tho). I really need to start using our paparazzi camera for photos tho, i take a million photos with my iphone everyday but i know i'm going to want nicer ones too. Maybe i can do that on the weekends when h is there to help. I plan on making vi's food but i have no idea where to start, guess i should start researching that. anddd the only thing i gave up was a lot of caffeine and booze while breastfeeding. i didnt realize garlic could upset them! whoops. xo jillian – cornflake dreams

    Posted 7.17.15
  7. Amanda Elizabeth - Meet @ the Barre wrote:

    When that day comes I will definitely be hitting you up for advice!

    Posted 7.17.15
  8. Abbey wrote:

    I think the food and the baby wearing is just the kid. My daughter never really liked baby food so I kind of did baby led weaning without really even knowing what it was and she is a great eater. She never liked to be worn either. Just depends on the child.

    Posted 7.17.15
  9. Queen In Between wrote:

    The biggest thing I changed as I added babies was learning to nap when they napped even if the house was in utter chaos. Real camera is definitely a pain to lug around but so worth it when you look back!

    Posted 7.18.15
  10. Britanie Kostis wrote:

    I wore my baby from the day I brought him home! It's the only way to get things done! Your baby might fuss in it a bit but they will grow to love it! And AMEN girl for getting those babies to nap in their crib! My 15month old only naps in our bed and even tho I watch him like a hawk on the video monitor, barricade the sides of the bed with pillows, (and run upstairs as fast as I can the second I see him moving an inch) I feel like his nap times aren't super productive because I'm worrying he will roll off our bed!

    Britanie @

    Posted 7.21.15
  11. Love this and I couldn't agree more about he DSLR and baby wearing!! So excited for you to experience the joys of a new little squish all over again! (Shoot – further perpetuating my growing baby fever)

    Posted 7.24.15
  12. Stephanie Chalk wrote:

    Thank you for sharing, I will have to save this for reminders for when we have our first! 🙂 Xo, Stephanie

    Posted 7.27.15

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