Madelyn Faye | 16 Months
I wanted to take some time to do an update for Ms. Madelyn. This is quite the fun age because her little personality is really shining. She doesn’t take crap from anyone and is learning to have her voice heard. She has the sweetest ittle vocabulary and everything that comes out of the their tiny mouth always sounds funny. Except that she’s learned to say No all the time. That’s not always funny. I can’t believe how quickly she is growing, but I look forward to all the fun ahead…
16 Months as of January 14th, 2017
24lbs (70%) and approx. 32.5 inches long {I think} (90%) as of 15 month appt
18 and 24 months. Size 4/5 shoe. Size 5 diaper
You sleep 12 hours or more at night.
Since you started school at 12 months old, you took only one nap on school days; but two naps when you were at home. Usually at 9:30am and 1:30 or 2pm. Right about 15 months old you were ready to start going from two naps a day to one nap. You struggle when we are at home to stay awake until 1pm when I would like you to take a nap while Brody naps. So I try to get out of the house in the mornings to keep you awake! You usually nap about 2 hours.
7-730am Wake & Bottle
8am Breakfast
8:30 Play, Run Errands, etc.
1130am Lunch
1pm Nap
330pm Wake & Bottle
5pm Dinner
6:30 Bath & Bottle
7pm Bedtime
You started school at a year old and definitely have had some runny nose or coughs throughout. At Thanksgiving you came down with a horrid stomach bug that you passed around to everyone and then at Christmas you had RSV and double ear infections. It was brutal 🙁 We’re praying to keep you healthy this winter.
You cry or fuss getting your diaper changed and putting clothes on most of the time. You seem to be a pretty big wimp when it comes to teething.
You get super jealous and cry when I’m holding Brody or have him on my lap instead of you!
You eat EVERYTHING! You love it all. Meats, vegetables, fruits, pasta, whatever. You didn’t like scrambled eggs at all until the last week or so. Now you seem to like those too. I haven’t found much that you don’t like. And you love, love your bottle. You can’t stand it cold and always demand it warm.
Bathtime with big bro
Being outside
You love to dance to music
Follow Brody around and do everything he can do
Biting!! It’s so bad. We’re still working on this.
Being told NO
When Brody won’t share with you
Cold bottles
You have become a little parrot. I love listening to you repeat so much of what we say.
Mostly everything is one word, but you’ve been trying to string a few together. This month you looked at Daddy as he was walking out the door for work and said, Buh Bye Dad-dy. We melted. You say “tank-you” and “bless-you” which are the sweetest when they are non-prompted. You are starting to learn several animal sounds and a couple of body parts. You still love to blow kisses and give the best bear hugs on the planet.
You have a mouthful of teeth. I’ve lost can’t. The last ones to seem to come in are the “I” teeth. I think those hurt a lot too, so I’m not looking forward to that.
I’m still floored that you could careless about TV. Mickey Mouse does not get your attention at all like it did for your big brother. You will smile at the beginning and end of a Mickey episode, but you are barely amused otherwise.
Places You’ve Gone (since your one year update):
Destin, New Orleans, Montgomery, Seaside
:: Past Updates ::

What a big girl!!! It sounds like she is just thriving. I love that she is such a good eater. Leo was an all star for a while and now any veggie is a struggle to get in him!
She is just too cute! I can’t believe she’s already 16 months old! Hoping you all stay healthy the rest of winter, the sickness has been brutal up here too.
She’s so cute and getting so big!
She is so stinking cute! Happy 16 months, sweet girl!
Madelyn sounds like the sweetest little babe! She always looks so happy and easy going, and how awesome that she is such a great eater!