Two Months as of October 29th, 2018
*Thank you Tiny Love for sponsoring this post. All opinions are my own.
Weight: You weighed 10 lbs 14 ounces at your two month appointment and were 22inches long. You were only in like the 34% for height and weight. You are definitely my little peanut compared to the other two babies, but you are slowly adding some rolls to those little legs!
Clothes: You wear newborn clothes and a couple of 3 and 6 month outfits.
Sleep: You have been the BEST sleeper. You are still sleeping in your Rock N Play sleeper which is longer than I ever let any of my other babies sleep in it, but you are in your nursery. Since the day you turned one month old, you started sleeping through the night (with exceptions of course)! You sleep from 7:30pm to either 5:30 or 6:30am. You feed then and then go right back to sleep until usually 8 or 9am. It amazes me what you can sleep through too because your brother and sister are LOUD!
Schedule: We still follow Moms on Call. For the feedings, I loosely follow the time schedule but really just feed you when you seem hungry. You don’t always take the full amount of bottle recommended, so then you will be hungry sooner than 3 hours which is fine. I love the night time routine that Moms on Call recommends and try to always follow that. We’ve been moving your bedtime up this past month from an 8 or 830 bedtime to more of a 715 or 730pm bedtime. During the day, you pretty much follow an eat, play, sleep schedule. Playtime is pretty simple at this point. You either sit in your swing or love to play on your play mat during the day.
Health: You’ve been great so far. No reflux and sickness.
Crying: You’ve been such a good baby. Starting around 6 weeks, I started noticing you get fussy around dinner time. It kind of only lasted a week or two and seems to be better. We are putting you to bed a littler earlier so I think that helps with the witching hour too. I still have been so thankful for you being a good baby in the car too!
Feeding: You take your first early morning feeding (between 5 and 630am) on the boob and then maybe one or two others throughout the day on the boob, but the rest is pumped breastmilk from a bottle. I have been trying to up your ounces to 5 but you typically can’t finish that much so we are still doing more like 4 ounces per bottle. You feed every two to three hours during the day.
Likes: The swing, play mat, stroller rides and your baths. Bath time is relaxing for you which is so nice. We take one every night before bedtime. You get lots of love, kisses and attention from your big brother and sister too!
Dislikes: Being hungry, that’s about it.
Milestones: You are smiling a lot more which I just love!! You are loving your new little playmat and coo and reach for the little animals. You are sleeping through the night which has been wonderful.
Places You’ve Gone: We haven’t traveled anywhere with you yet. You’ve been all around town with us so far and you mostly just sleep which is great!
Visitors: Your Auntie Alex came to visit you this month as well as Aunt Melanie, Chip, Kayla, Allie and Holly!
Postpartum: Most definitely my easiest recovery and you seem to fit right in with your big brother and sister! It’s so much fun to watch them play with you.
At my 6 week post-op appointment, everything looked great and I got the okay to do whatever I want!
Life with Three: Still easier than I imagined so far. She has been such a good baby and we are so much more relaxed with her. I enjoy my snuggles with her so much that I just don’t want to see her get any bigger. I’m loving this newborn stage so much this time around!
Favorite Baby Item this Month:
This play mat has been such a hit for Molly this month. We had a really simple play mat before that didn’t make any noise and just didn’t keep her attention very well. This mat is full of animals for her to look at with mirrors and a music system that attaches but also can be taken on-the-go. It is a versatile activity mat with adjustable moving arches that adapt to baby’s age and stage, encouraging the development of fine and gross motor skills from day one. You can go from lying, to tummy time, to sit and play. Molly is obsessed with the pink reindeer and loves to talk to it. I swear, it’s hilarious. The Gymini was carefully designed to boost babies’ 7 developmental wonders, including motor skills, visual and auditory cognition, and the senses.
Remember how I mentioned that witching hour at dinner time, well this is where I put her when she needs to release some energy around 6:30pm and is starting to get a little cranky. It is always a win when I can sit down and eat dinner without a baby on my lap. She also loves it in the early mornings after she wakes up and is ready to play.

You can read more about Molly here: