Murphy’s Law

I mentioned in my 23 week pregnancy post last week that I had been feeling a bit moody.  It was true.  I was feisty and very easily agitated with just about anyone that came around me.  It kind of made me laugh because I knew I was irritable and pissy, but yet I couldn’t do anything to stop it.  Luckily, by Friday, I was feeling better and able to enjoy the weekend with a smile on my face and a little relaxation.  
As you know, Matt and I have wasted no time to start our marriage off with a move, the construction of our new house and getting pregnant all in one year!  We knew we were diving in headfirst, but we still thought we were prepared.  We’ve learned that there are always things that can up that you never plan for.  It’s Murphy’s Law.  Anything that can possibly go wrong, does.  We got a call early last week that the townhouse we are currently renting has sold and will be closing in 3 months.  Three months puts us out on May 29th — 3 weeks before my due date and several months before the new house will be finished.  That is what put me in a pretty bad mood last week.  As I write this, I am much more at ease with the situation; but last week, the thought of us having to move a month before the baby is due, pack all of our stuff, and live somewhere for just a few months before our house is complete sounded absolutely miserable.  
We are lucky enough that we can move into my Mom’s house that is just a few minutes away from where we live now.  We will just pack all of our furniture and things and put it in storage until our house is ready and we will bring the baby home to her house.  It is not exactly how I hoped things would be for when we brought little Brody into this world and I was certainly looking forward to getting settled in our own place even if it was our rental house; but things don’t always go as we plan and we must adapt.  So I am adapting.  There are certainly way way worse things that can go wrong and this is truly minor; but my raging pregnancy hormones last week made it seem like it was the absolute end of the world.   How was I suppose to nest before the baby came?  How were we supposed to bring the baby home to a temporary house?  Of course I wanted everything to be perfect before he got here.  But, he certainly won’t know the difference and we will make the best of it!  So I am feeling much better this week!  
Here is our townhouse when we moved in just last January.  I will begin packing this place up again very soon: