Welcome to Five on Friday. {ONE} Construction Update on the new house: the chandelier in our entry way pavers were laid and the driveway was…
24 Oct 2013
House Update: Appliances and Lighting
I think it’s been almost a month since my last house update and I feel like things have been happening, but I don’t have a…
The house is painted!!! I love the way the color turned out and am so happy with the look of the painted brick! Columns…
Tile is going in the bathrooms this week and I am so happy with the results! Any other time, I might be persuaded to hire…
5 Sep 2013
House Update : Paint & Cabinets
CABINETS WERE INSTALLED YESTERDAY!!!!I’m only a little bit excited about this as you might be able to tell from my all caps text above. They…
29 Aug 2013
House Update : Trim, Paint and Cabinets
So I haven’t done a house update in a month now mainly because there has been nothing to update. That makes a homebuilder very very…
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Welcome to Home of Malones where I share a little bit about our everyday life. I love my family, fashion, good food, and a great party and always strive to provide a little inspiration. I hope you stay awhile and join in on this crazy journey called Motherhood.
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