The second round of pregnancy is definitely different than the first. Regardless if your symptoms are the same each time or they are different, you are still a lot more prepared for what’s to come. Here is my random list of reasons why I know this is not my first pregnancy:
1. Humongous Boobs Don’t Scare Me – This one totally killed me my first pregnancy. I couldn’t believe how huge my boobs got and I absolutely hated them (but of course the husband loved it). This time around though…I just expected it. I still hate them, but it was less of a big deal. The boob stretch wounds were already there and lets face it, the things weren’t their beautiful, perky pre-baby boobs anyways 🙂 So, I’m just over it. A doc can always fixed those things later…
2. Random Hair Growth is No Longer a Shock – Did anyone tell you about this one?? Not me. I didn’t know about this the first time around and I started seeing random dark hairs making appearances in places they should never show their face. This was so gross. I hate (unwanted) hair!
3. Food Aversions & Carb Cravings – I thought I was totally prepared for this this time around, but really, my food aversions were so much stronger this time than my first that I was fairly shocked. The meat aversions really got me this time and carbs were definitely still my best friend. Mostly in the form of crackers or fruit.
4. No Surprise Here When My Sex Drive Was at Zero for the First Trimester – probably TMI for most of you, but I think it’s still important to discuss. You are not alone! And I promise it totally gets better (way better, in fact) as the pregnancy progresses. That baby literally just sucks everything out of you those first few months, all you can do is try to survive. That has definitely been the case this second pregnancy.
5. Exhaustion Has A New Meaning – There has probably been many times in your life that you’ve been or felt exhausted. Exhaustion takes on a whole new meaning when you are pregnant though. Especially those first few months. You can’t believe that you could be so tired when you literally don’t feel like you are doing anything. You’re not even carrying the extra weight around yet. It’s baffling. Just know that internally, your body is working incredibly hard and exhaustion is okay.
6. The Worrying Never Stops – From the time you find out you are pregnant, the worries begin…”I drank too much the week before I find out I was pregnant.” “I ate tuna.” “There was soft cheese in that salad and I didn’t realize it.” “I haven’t felt a kick in 2 hours.” There are a million reasons when you are pregnant to stress out and you just get used to it. It doesn’t go away, but hopefully you are a little more laid back about it the second time around.
7. The Bump Doesn’t Happen Over Night – I know during my first pregnancy, I couldn’t WAIT to see that big baby bump! You are so anxious to look pregnant. You are immediately ready for the bump. Unfortunately, the bump does appear quite a bit sooner the second pregnancy; but you still know that it takes time before you have a nice bump and stop feeling like a college frat boy that just chugged a keg of beer.
8. Nesting is Real & I’m Prepared For It – Nesting is really an awesome thing. It kicks in for women at different times, but it’s absolutely a real thing for us. Know that it’s coming and just embrace it. There is no better time to knock out the 98 item to-do list that you’ve had running for 3+ years now and never gotten around to. Get shit done. Take advantage now because it won’t get done when baby is here!
9. Pregnancy Brain Sucks And I know It- You are going to be forgetful. It sucks and it makes us feel stupid, but it happens. I know I must write things down and even if I do there is still only an 80% chance it gets done. Sadly, this kind of never goes away. Pregnancy brain turns into baby brain and then you get pregnant again and have more kids to worry about and more things to plan and shit just goes down hill from there. Good thing I have this blog to keep me sharp 🙂 Ha!
I had to add this one too because it’s so true! Pregnancy felt like forever the first time around and I know it’s going to feel the same way this time.
Okay, I’ll leave it at that. Tell me what I’m missing…What pregnancy symptoms were you/are you most surprised about???
This is funny too because so many men really are scared of sex during pregnancy especially as you get further along.

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This is a great post for all of us non prego yet, but want to be ladies!
This is a great post. I had my 3rd {and last!} baby a year ago and man, I really hated pregnancy by the 3rd baby. For me, subsequent pregnancies caused more weight gain…which as a fitness type KILLED me! I had to blast through nearly 60 lbs this past year and it was not without crazy effort. Just reading this list makes me so glad I had my husband get a vasectomy! LOL. 🙂
Amen on the lack of sex drive. My poor husband went weeks without anything because I literally wanted nothing to do with him! And you're so right – nobody talks about that! Thanks for putting it out there, Annie!:)
This is hilarious and oh so true! I've already started talking Bill into the idea of me getting a boob lift when we are done having kids… I hate the pregnancy and post baby boobs!!
Haha so true, to all of these! This time around with my second I don't see myself stressing about getting the room ready as much. In the back of my head we pretty much have everything we need so it's just a matter of taking things out. With my first everything had to be set before hand. ~Sierra Winks and Eyerolls
I'm not pregnant, so I can't say anything to the second go-round, but you are SO RIGHT on all of these for the first time around! I was SO freaking sick for about 6 weeks (that felt like 26) and would come home each day and take a nap until dinner. Truly, I don't know how moms do it with a toddler running around; props to YOU! 🙂 And on the boobs thing? Yes, just YES.
Pregnancy boobs are no joke!! Laughing through reading this!
Good to know! I've never been pregnant but we hope to have kids someday and it's good to be prepared!
I'm with you on the big boobs!! I'm pretty small chested & when they started growing I was shocked!! Lol! & the meat aversions, that was so crazy to me! I remember Matt heating up a left-over burger one night & thought I was going to lose it! Almost made him go outside to eat it! Haha! Also, something else I had no idea could happen was nose bleeds!! They would happen at any time – at work, getting ready in the mornings, at dinner… It even happened when I was getting a manicure one time!! #embarassing
These ALL apply to my first go around!
Such a great list! I made one when I was pregnant of all the symptoms to read every time I thought about getting pregnant again. It is basically exactly the same. Shit gets real when you're growing a human!!
hahah I just laughed out loud at this entire post!!! Love!!!!! hahaha
Goodness you have me really looking forward to being preggo one day 😉 haha! but seriously, good stuff to know!! Xoxo
great info! thank you for hosting the link up!
Thanks for sharing, these will be great reminders down the road! Xo, Stephanie
I'll have to remember all of these in a few years!
Omg, YES to all of these! None of them really surprised me.. I'm an obsessive googler, so I was "prepared"! Haha!
haha! So true! All of it. Although I never really went through nesting with either of mine…
Love this post! I always love hearing mom's real accounts of what pregnancy is really like 🙂
Pregnancy definitely isn't a walk in the park. I started showing way early with my second and was not a fan of pregnancy boobs either. Those things are heavy to carry around and since I breastfed, I had to carry them around for an extended time.
Catching up on my reading……OMG. This is juicy! ??? I am a mix of interested and terrified. Hahaha. Miss ya girl. xoxo
This is a very good post. Just wonderful. Truly, I am amazed at what informative things you've told us today Pregnancy Week by Week
Oh my gosh I just re-read this post and YES yes yes. Let me tell you what I did last week… went to the drive thru at the bank and the lady goes "um ma'am are you at the right bank? your card says BB&T"… I was totally at the wrong bank. Then I proceeded to drive off with the tube -_- totally embarrassing #pregnancybrain