Thoughts for Thursday | Secret Santa Party

I hosted an all gals, secret- santa party last night that I’m still recovering from; so this post is short and sweet!  We had a blast and I hope to share more pictures soon.  It was a great group of girls and I loved the gift exchange.  I hope to do it every year! 
On my shopping trip yesterday morning to Target and Fresh Market in preparation for the party, I lost my phone.  I’m pretty pissed about it, but I think I got over it a lot quicker than usual.  I’m proud of myself for that.  It just means I’ll get to upgrade to an iPhone 6 with more memory hopefully 🙂
Brody’s temper tamtrums are pushing me over the edge.  He has absolutely no patience and stomps his feet and whines for a good part of the day.  If you have any advice or a mailing address for me to send him to, please share and he’s all yours 🙂  
I’m mostly kidding, but seriously….the terrible two’s are here way too early.  Help a woman out. 
If you saw this picture on instagram, it’s really what our mornings look like  He wants into the fridge to show me that he NEEDS milk from a bottle.  I show him that I will give him milk from the fridge except it will go into a sippy cup.  He throws holy hell fit. 
We also clipped the end of his pacifier on that big heavy monkey he walks around with.  I know ya’ll have seen it in some pictures.  It’s not so much about getting him off the paci as it is with me worrying about his TEETH for the rest of his life.  That monkey is heavy and I swear that one of his front teeth are moving.  It’s bad.  I’m a teeth person and so is my husband.  We don’t want our son to be snaggletooth for the rest of his life.  End of story. 
Here’s a few pictures from the secret santa party.  This cute Hot Chocolate printable came from here

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Thoughts for Thursday

Thoughts for Thursday


  1. Jenn wrote:

    Your party decor looks great!! And the fact that you're tired this morning says that it was a good time, too 🙂
    I'm sorry about Brody's temper tantrums….and about the loss of your iPhone. I don't have any advice for you on the tantrums, but I'll send some tantrum-free thoughts your way that they stop or decrease soon!
    You'll love the iPhone6!! 🙂

    Posted 12.18.14
  2. I can't wait to see more pictures, your decorations looks amazing! I love the idea of the hot chocolate bar 🙂

    Posted 12.18.14
  3. Jillian wrote:

    i love your party decorations!! bummer about the phone but an upgrade is always nice! xo jillian – cornflake dreams

    Posted 12.18.14
  4. Julia wrote:

    The party looks like so much fun! I love the décor!

    Posted 12.18.14
  5. Julie wrote:

    The party looks precious!

    Posted 12.18.14
  6. Looks like such a fun party! I have no advice for the temper tantrums… Something I have to look forward to! Too bad about your phone, but yay you get to upgrade! I just got the iphone 5 right before the 6 came out…

    Posted 12.18.14
  7. You are such a great hostess, love the setup for our party!! Sorry you're dealing with the tantrums, I'm no help on that front… it will get better eventually! But I will say the iphone 6 is awesome and I'd totally not stress about upgrading if I were you! 🙂

    Posted 12.18.14
  8. Sorry you lost your phone and about his tempers… I have no kids haha so I can't offer advice but I'll give you a place to ship him to haha. I may not ship him back any better, but I'll give you a break 😉

    Posted 12.18.14
  9. Losing your phone is never good, but sounds like there is a silver lining!!! I'm sure your party was a huge success…as for Brody…well sadly I have no advice…but at least he's cute right!? xo, Biana –BlovedBoston

    Posted 12.18.14
  10. Your house looks awesome! You need to come over and decorate mine! Brody made me throwing a tantrum in that pic above but he looks so freakin cute in his santa outfit!

    Posted 12.18.14
  11. your parties are always so put together! share your secrets!!

    Posted 12.18.14
  12. Natalie H wrote:

    I could have written this post myself!! Miller is the EXACT same way lately!! If he doesn't get what he wants right away he goes into full tantrum mode with lots of screaming and crying. I drives me bonkers. He saw me making a bottle for Matthew last night and lost it bc he wanted the bottle- he hasn't had a bottle since august but still hasn't forgotten about them. I still haven't taken his pacifiers away yet but that's going to be our mission in January or at least keeping them to nap/bedtime only.
    Your secret santa party sounds like so much fun and I love all your decor!

    Posted 12.18.14
  13. Natasha wrote:

    Hi Annie! I just started following you and linking up. How old is your son? I have almost 16 month old twin girls and it seems to be the "season" we are in as well. Some days I feel like a crazy person with all of the whining… it could seriously be a form of torture! ha! As long as the girls are okay (fed, hydrated, and a clean diaper) I either ignore them or try to redirect. I've noticed it getting better except for the whining at the refrigerator for milk or at the counter for bananas… dear lord…I hear nana nana nana all day long! Haha! I hope this season passes for us both soon! Merry Christmas!

    Posted 12.18.14
  14. Kristy @ Rejoice and Repeat wrote:

    I can't wait to see more of the party. As for the tantrums, we've found refusing to give her what she wants until she's calm has been very effective. We began having issues at 18 months and now at 20 months she might get mad but no tantrums. In our experience it was a battle of the wills and we had to show her that ours were stronger 🙂 it wasn't always easy but it's been worth it.

    Posted 12.18.14
  15. I am going to hop on a plane and invite myself down to one of your parties! #hostesswiththemostess Greyson will be three in a couple of weeks and we cannot get him off the damn paci to save our lives. It's brutal!

    Posted 12.18.14
  16. Jessica and Katie Sweet Little Ones wrote:

    I'm so sorry about your phone and the tantrums. I agree with what Kristy said above. That's what we do too. I get down to their level and talk to them calmly as well – trying to explain the situation. Something like: "You have to calm down first if you want xyz…" I know it's hard/impossible to reason with a kid that age, but I think just calmly talking to them at their level is a good habit to start for when they can understand later! Plus, I think your calmness can be reassuring to them. I hope it gets better for you. That really is the pits.

    Your party looks absolutely fabulous! All of your parties do! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas together! -Jess /

    Posted 12.18.14
  17. M @ The Sequin Notebook wrote:

    My little guy is only 15 months and I swear the terrible twos have already arrived, so I feel your pain! The feet stomps and pouts are a regular occurance in my house, though half the time he looks so cute doing it that it's hard to get too mad 😉 It looks like it was a fabulous secret santa party – I love all of the cute and festive details!

    xoxo, – M @ The Sequin Notebook

    Posted 12.18.14
  18. Queen In Between wrote:

    Party pix look so fun! I will just say once you have made the decision on the bottle/paci there is no going back. He will eventually get over it but all kids are so different. Those were the things he most likely turned to for comfort so he will have to find another way to "pacify" himself and that will just take time.

    Posted 12.18.14
  19. Meg Taylor wrote:

    That hot cocoa bar looks soooo good!! And your son in his outfit is beyond adorable. I'm sorry about the tantrums!

    Posted 12.18.14
  20. The party looks pretty perfect! Big bummer about your phone but at least now you get a new one?! And while I don't have any advice about Brody, you can send him over here for a little play date 🙂

    Posted 12.18.14
  21. Caitlin Elizabeth wrote:

    The hot chocolate bar looks Pinterest – worthy! I love Secret Santa, sounds like a great party! And he may be throwing a tantrum but he sure is cute in his Santa outfit 🙂

    Posted 12.18.14
  22. Shelby / Recent Somethings wrote:

    "We don't want our child to have a snaggle tooth – end of story". Bahaha love it and TOTALLY agree! He is one cutie, that's for sure!

    Posted 12.18.14
  23. Kristy {Seven Graces} wrote:

    Girlfriend! Boy do I feel about the tantrums! I thought we were going to have smooth sailing into the twos. I thought, "It won't be terrible." Ha! My little miss will be two in February, and her fits are about to send me over the edge. I'm still trying to figure it all out.

    We dropped her paci when she was four months old, cold turkey during sleep training, BUT she now sucks on her fingers. And I'm pretty sure her teeth have shifted because of it. How do you get them to stop from doing that?! Ugh. Orthodontics are definitely in our future.

    On another note, your party looked great! Such a fun season! 🙂 Merry Christmas!

    Posted 12.18.14

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