Thoughts for Thursday | Brody Update + More

Welcome to Thoughts for Thursday with Natalie and I.  Share anything and join along in the fun!  Mine today will be a bit short and a little random.  Random is good though.  Feel free to be random 🙂

+ Brody: He’s 3 years and 4 months old now.  I feel like I need to document a few things lately since I’m not good at writing these down anymore.  He’s in school 3 days a week for four hours and I feel like he is a little sponge this year.  It’s been such a treat to watch him get so excited for school everyday and when I pick him up, I try to get there a few minutes early, and they are all sitting together singing and learning new songs.  He loves music.

He comes home and starts singing these new songs that we’ve never sang with him.  Lately, it’s been The Lord is Good to Me, God is Great blessing and the pledge of allegiance.  He had us all speechless this week when he just put his hand on his heart out of no where and said the entire pledge of allegiance. The way they pronounce the words at this age just make your little heart melt.

At home, Daddy has a special little bedtime ritual with him and he has fallen in love with Journey.  He knows about 5 Journey songs now pretty well.  Normally, he won’t let me video tape him singing; but last weekend, he had the guitar and a good audince and he went to town.  Check out this mini-rockstar below!

+ Brody has been scheduled to get tubes in his ears since the end of July.  His surgery was scheduled for the beginning of September, but he ended up with a pretty bad cough and chest congestion, so we didn’t like the idea of having him go under any anesthesia for the surgery and rescheduled it.  Now it is scheduled for next.  And today I took him into our pediatrician because he was complaining of his ears hurting and he has a double ear infection!! Ugh!!  It seemed like they completely came out of nowhere.  Mom’s with kiddos that have had ear problems, you feel my pain!!

+ On the bright side, his Buzz Lightyear arrived in the mail today and he was super stoked about it!! It was the only thing that made him smile after he woke up from his nap! He looked so cute in it.  He’s missing an essential piece to his costume that hasn’t arrived yet, so he’ll be ready to fly come Halloween!!