Welcome friends! What a crazy week it’s been.
I returned home from my trip to Miami on Sunday night. I visited with hubby, played with the kids, we ate pizza and then crashed in bed.
Monday morning arrived and it was time to get the kids ready for school and then I had an annual appointment with my OBGYN.
Matt left for work and about 20 minutes later I walked out with the kids. When I walked outside, my car was GONE. I had parked it in our driveway the night before and now it had disappeared.
I called Matt first and told him what happened and then called the cops.
We live in a gated community and I’ve definitely been guilty of leaving my car doors open at times.
Matt came back to the house, the cop arrived, and we discussed the sequence of events.
The cop believed that they probably came in the middle of the night and went through the neighborhood checking for open cars. There had been a terrible storm that night and someone homeless could have been looking for shelter or just some crazy folks could have been looking to take a joy ride.
These thieves know exactly what to look for. Apparently a lot of cars come with a single “valet” key these days. A lot of people don’t even realize it and leave them in their glove compartment or owner’s manual not even realizing it is there. We think that is what they used to steal my car.
Thankfully, the Police department actually found my car within about 3 hours. It was found in a trailer park community across town. Supposedly they have found several stolen cars in this same trailer community lately.
It appears so far that they took one car seat from the car and they tore off the cover to my gas tank. Apparently they didn’t realize that there is a button to open the gas tank and tore it off.
They haven’t found the suspect yet, but hopefully they will.
This whole incident definitely left us feeling pretty yuck. It definitely steals your sense of security. I’m not sure how I will feel about riding around in the car again. I’m undecided if we will keep it or buy something new.
This has definitely been a wake-up call to be more careful.
Has this ever happened to any of you before???
Link up starts at 7 am EST.
How terrifying. Glad you got the car back though.
That is so scary!! I’m so sorry this happened to you. I can definitely see how that would steal your sense of security
I’m sorry this happened to you! I’m glad they found your car.
Oh Annie ! I am sorry what a scary feeling. Last month, I parked at the playground, and at 11 am while I was 200 feet away. a couple broke my front window open and stole my purse off the front seat… it was scary but even scarier at your house !
OH YUCK!!! Bless your heart and all times when your going to the OBGYN…those appointments are like getting a time to see the Pope. LOL It’s a crazy world we live in, that’s for sure. So sorry that happened. I’m pretty sure I’d want a new car…Good advice on the valet keys. I don’t think our last couple cars came with those, but we’ve had some in the past. Here’s to no more incidents the rest of the week.
Are you kidding me? That is wild, scary, and such an invasion. I’m so
Glad the car was found with what sounds Likes fairly minimal damage. So insane!
I’m glad that they were able to find your car so quickly! Something similar happened to my MIL – when she got her car back, she took it to have it checked out at the mechanic to make sure it was still ok to drive (to make sure they hadn’t stolen any necessary car parts) & then took it to have every inch of it scrubbed/cleaned. It was just like new after that
Oh my gosh I am so sorry-how terrible! So glad they were at least able to find your car. We are guilty of feeling ‘safe’ and leaving keys in our cars or leaving them unlocked. This is a good reminder!
Annie! That is terrifying! I am so sorry that happened to you. I can’t even imagine!!
Yikes! That is crazy. We have never had a vehicle stolen from our driveway but on two occasions have had things stolen from inside…both times when we left the car unlocked. Definitely odd what they took from our cars too. I’ve never been one to freak out about things like this too much but I will admit knowing someone had been in my driveway just steps away from the rooms my kids sleep in was a little unnerving.
Oh gosh, I would be totally freaked out and would probably want a new car, too! We have never had this happen to us as we both park in a garage, but in our previous house we had someone steal a couple of things from the inside of the car. It made me feel positively awful. I hope they find the person who did it!
Oh my goodness, we had an attempted break in at our old house and I never felt safe there again despite it being a nice neighborhood and most likely they were just kids BUT STILL it leaves you feeling SO violated. I am glad you are all safe and they were able to recover your vehicle! Thanks for the link-up. Hope your week looks up! xoxo ERIN
UGH I am so sorry that happened! What a terrible feeling
That happened to us before and it’s a really, really yucky feeling.
Tons of cars have been getting stolen in Nashville lately. People have also been getting their purses stolen while they are pumping gas! It is so scary. Thieves are assholes.
Oh no Annie!!! I cannot believe this!! Ugh I’m so sorry and can’t imagine how you are feeling right now, so scary! I’m glad they found it but totally understand if you wouldn’t want to drive it again.
Oh my goodness! Glad you are ok! That is crazy scary, but it’s great they found your car!
I’m SO sorry to hear about your car! The same thing happened to me when we were living in Salt Lake City. I walked out to get in my car and go to work and it was GONE! The police found it a couple hours later with parts missing. We had it repaired and then sold it a while later. I hated feeling so paranoid for a while afterwards. Glad they found your car and hopefully it’ll be as good as new (or you’ll be driving something new) in no time
Gosh people are sick and so mean!! Someone recently busted my sister’s windshield to steal her purse and wallet in a church parking lot!