Molly | Month Four

Four Months as of December 29th, 2018
I’m late as always writing this update.  Trying to base everything off of you turning four months on December 29th.
Weight:  14 lbs
Clothes: You wear newborn clothes and a couple of 3 and 6 month outfits.
Sleep:  You definitely hit the 4 month sleep regression during this month.  Your sleep schedule became more erratic. You went from sleeping through the night to waking up several times and being a little harder to get down night.  You are still sleeping in your Rock N Play sleeper but we definitely need to transition you to the crib soon.  You go to bed between 7pm and 730pm. You take several naps through out the day and usually one of them is about 2.5 hours.
Schedule: We still follow Moms on Call.  I try to keep your bottle feedings to every 3 hours throughout the day.   Our day time routines change up a bit, but we keep a pretty consistent nighttime routine.  You get a bath sometime between 630 and 7 and then have your bottle and go to bed.
Health:  Thankfully you have been super healthy all month.  You got over your RSV towards the end of November and we made it through Christmas still being healthy.
Crying:  You’ve been such a good baby.  You pretty much only cry when you are hungry!
Feeding:  You have been on breastmilk only so far, but around Christmas time, I started adding a little formula to your bottles.  So now we are are doing breastmilk with probably about 8 ounces of formula throughout each day.
Likes:  The swing, play mat, changing table, and your baths.  Bath time is relaxing for you which is so nice.  We take one every night before bedtime.  You get lots of love, kisses and attention from your big brother and sister too!
Dislikes: Being hungry, that’s about it.
Milestones:  You are so smiley and have started laughing.  It is the sweetest thing ever.  When I kiss you on your neck, you crack up laughing.
Places You’ve Gone:  We stayed home for the Christmas holidays.
Postpartum:  I’ve been feeling great and loving working out again and chasing after 3 kiddos.
Life with Three:  Christmas was a ton of fun this year.  I loved celebrating your first Christmas and was so thankful you stayed healthy.  You sat on Santas lap for the first time and didn’t shed a tear.

:: Previous Monthly Posts ::

Molly | Month One

Molly | Month Two

Molly | Month Three


  1. Owen Davis wrote:

    I could eat her!!! Beyond precious!

    Posted 1.27.19

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