Date: 2/07/13
Baby Size? Baby is the size of a Mango
Total weight gain: ~12 lbs – see the doc tomorrow
Stretch marks? no, using my Mustela cream. However, I am also using plain Palmer’s cocoa butter. I love the smell of it and I am not crazy about the smell of the Mustela cream.
Miss Anything? a drink when I am at social functions such as the super bowl party we had this week and the Jimmy Buffett concert we went to. But I have found drinking 1 or 2 non-alcoholic beers is a nice trick.
Movement: I felt certain that I was going to feel the little booger kick at the Buffett concert because I knew he’d be dancing to the music, but I did think I actually felt him once when I was in the restroom. Not sure if it really was or not because of course he didn’t do it again.
Food cravings: the sweets craving seems to have tamed a little bit but loving my fruit still
Symptoms: I FINALLY feel like some of the tiredness has gone away a little.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on, but definitely having swelling in my fingers especially in the mornings
Sleep: I started to have a little more trouble sleeping this week. I purchased a Boppy body pillow from Target and started using it a few nights ago and I love it. It seems to work wonders. My husband is not so crazy about it because it means I am snuggling with the Boppy instead of him! But having the pillow in between my knees seems to really help.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender Prediction: It’s a BOY
Looking forward to: Having our 20 week doctors appointment tomorrow morning and seeing the baby on the ultrasound! I can’t believe this is supposed to be the last time we will see him before he’s delivered. If I know Matt and I well enough, we will be back to one of those 4D imaging centers to see the baby again at 32 weeks or so!