I happily write this update because I feel 100%!!! I was just coming out of my nausea period when I wrote my last update at 18 weeks and I can now happily declare that the last five weeks of pregnancy have been great! It has felt so nice to be able to eat, entertain, exercise and feel like myself again! We have made it past the halfway point and I suspect the rest of this pregnancy will fly by pretty quickly!

Date: 5/15/18
How far along? 23 Weeks and 3 days
Baby Size? Papaya (approx 1.2 pounds)
Total weight gain: ~ 10lbs – I knew once I started being able to eat again, the weight would come right on!
Maternity clothes? I have been able to wear most of my regular clothes still. Dresses seem to fit the best!
Miss Anything? Now that I am feeling better, I miss my wine! Honestly, I’m just so thankful to feel good again. I’m pretty happy and looking forward to a fun summer with the kids.
Movement: I started to feel a few light flutters around 16 weeks and now I’m feeling some good movements. Not large enough for hubby or kids to really feel yet, but enough for me to be able to enjoy!
Symptoms: Once the nausea left around 18 weeks, I have really been feeling great. I will get really tired in the afternoons, but try to just power through and then I’m ready to crawl into bed by 8pm. Around 22 weeks I started getting some of the acid reflux and keep tums close by. That will happen some nights usually only once I lay down for bed.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Sleep: I have slept well throughout this pregnancy. I wake up to go to the bathroom once a night (occasionally twice). I have had a few nights when I have trouble getting back to bed when I wake up around 4am to pee, but I mostly sleep well.
Best moment this week: Starting to get the bigger movements from baby. She loves to move around when I lay down to go to sleep. At around 21 weeks, we got to see baby on the ultrasound and she looked great! It was fun to see her little profile and hear that she looked healthy!
Exercise: I did absolutely no exercise for the first half of the pregnancy. I have slowly started back to Spinning and it feels so good to ride again.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I’m pretty steady right now. Even at 18 weeks, I still feel slightly off at night time. I would say I’m about 95%.
Gender Prediction: It’s a GIRL. We were able to find out at an ultrasound at 16 weeks that we’re having a girl.
Labor Signs: No
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY! I feel like a new woman 💃
Looking forward to: SUMMER!! The kids finish up their last week of school next week. I’m looking forward to some slower mornings, lots of pool time, swim lessons, tennis camp, family vacations and a couple of long weekends!
And since I enjoy looking back at my other two pregnancies around this same time, you can find my update with Brody and Madelyn here and here.
:: Pregnancy Updates for Baby Three ::
And since I have been living in Lilly this pregnancy, I thought I would share with you girls that starting today they are offering several different cute FREE summer gifts to your order depending on how much you spend!! I scooped up this dress which is the same dress I’m wearing in the photo above, but in a different print and this cute maxi. The dress I’m wearing above is great for the taller gals because it’s actually LONG!! So hard for me to find!
I also got this cute dress for Madelyn and this casual dress to match the maxi I already own ☺

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You look so great! I am SO happy you are feeling good finally!
So happy to hear you’re feeling good! You look amazing!!!