I’m here for a 32 week bump date! I’m showing off this bump in another tight dress…something you wouldn’t have probably ever found me in during my first two pregnancies! My dress is maternity by Ingrid and Isabel.

Date: 7/17/18
How far along? 32 Weeks
Baby Size? approx. 19 inches long — Weighs 4 lbs 8 ounces according to ultrasound!
Total weight gain: 17 pounds from starting weight – I’ve gained less this pregnancy than my other two, but I was also so sick at the beginning that I lost a bit (I think around 7 or 8 lbs) and I also started at a heavier weight than I did with my other two pregnancies!
Maternity clothes? Maternity shorts for sure and then a mix of maternity and regular tops and dresses.
Miss Anything? Wine and really working out. I haven’t done great with exercise this pregnancy. I’m pretty much sticking to 30 or 45 min walks at this point.
Movement: Yes! Lots of good movement especially when I’m lying down at night.
Symptoms: The heartburn has fully kicked in! ugh, thats the worst. I get a bit of restless leg syndrome at night when I’m trying to fall asleep and then I have had some Charlie horses here and there.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Sleep: Its going pretty well still. I have to pee often and I am so tired by the afternoon’s, but I would say that I’m still sleeping pretty well.
Best moment this week: We had a ton of fun celebrating and watching the Blue Angels this weekend in Pensacola. Now Matt and I are gearing up for our babymoon in West Palm Beach, FL. I’m pretty excited for our getaway!
Exercise: I have done a few random spin classes here and there on my Peloton, but mostly just walking.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Gender Prediction: It’s a GIRL. We were able to find out at an ultrasound at 16 weeks that we’re having a girl.
Labor Signs: No
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time. A little short tempered or tired some of the time.
Looking forward to: Enjoying our Babymoon this weekend and then gearing up for Madelyns 3rd birthday party. We are having her birthday party like 6 weeks early with a friend of ours because I am due so close to her actual birthday of September 14th. This way we can celebrate with friends and then do a small family dinner when her birthday is actually here! After that, I am just praying that I make it through August. I feel like its going to be a hot and rough month, but hopefully I will just be able to tackle some house projects!
Doc Appointment Update: I have had high blood pressure this pregnancy which I didn’t have with my other two pregnancies (except for my last appointment with baby #2, you can read her birth story here). They don’t use the term preclampsia, so I’m not sure what the difference is; but it has changed up how my appointments go. So now that I am 32 weeks, I start seeing my doctor weekly until baby is born. I also get an ultrasound each time. With the ultrasound, they are checking to make sure there is plenty of fluid still for baby and that the baby is still growing. I guess those are two things that can change for baby with high blood pressure. So baby looked awesome today and everything is good, but we are just looking at weekly visits from here on out! With my other two pregnancies, I had an ultrasound at 20 weeks and never saw baby again until they were born! I also didn’t start doing weekly visits until I was 36 weeks pregnant.
So has anyone else experienced this with high blood pressure???

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You look so great! I had high blood pressure from 30 weeks on (common with IVF pregnancies for whatever reason). I had a NST and ultrasound every single week which was kind of fun to see her so much but also very time consuming. Also had a 24 hour urine which was weird and annoying and they ended up inducing me at 37 weeks because of it. But hey, all worth it for a safe baby!
Healthy baby*** whoops!
Good to know! And the outcome was the most beautiful baby girl, so all was well :). Yes, the appointments are definitely more time consuming, but I need to look at the bright side which is that I get to see her each week!
My blood pressure went up at 36 weeks this past pregnancy and I actually had to be admitted for observation to make sure it wasn’t preeclampsia. It wasn’t, but when I went in for an ultrasound a few days later, my fluid had dropped to a dangerously low amount and they induced me at 37.3 weeks! Not sure if it was because of my BP or not bc it had actually gone back down to pretty normal. I’m just thankful they did the ultrasound because otherwise we wouldn’t has known about the fluid and it scares me to think what could have happened to Elsie. So be glad they’re watching you closely!
Hi! I had high blood pressure from about 34 weeks on. It was so weird because I’ve never had a problem with my blood pressure before. They had me come in twice a week, once for an ultrasound and once for a NST. It was time consuming but nice to be closely monitored! To further complicate things, baby flipped and ended up being breech. They wanted to try to wait until 38 weeks before intervening and that’s exactly what happened. I went in for my 38 week appointment and my blood pressure was high, so I had a c-section that evening and we welcomed a healthy baby girl!