Date: 8/4/15 Officially having a baby NEXT MONTH
How far along? {33weeks+2days}
Baby Size? Baby is the size of a Honeydew Melon
Total weight gain: 28 lbs – thankfully its only been a pound a week since hitting the 3rd trimester. This is exactly where I was at with Brody too.
Maternity clothes? Yes. I’m able to enjoy a mix of maternity and none maternity, but the wardrobe seems to be slim pickings these days. I lived in Maxi dresses with Brody at the end of my pregnancy, but its too damn hot for even those right now.
Miss Anything? still missing my wine. I’ve had a few glasses of the FRE non-alcoholic Chardonnay wine that I’ve mentioned on here before. You can find it at Publix and it’s tolerable.
Movement: Tons of movement. She moves all the time but moves that most at night as soon as I lay down in bed.
Symptoms: I was starting to get some acid indigestion or heartburn about a week ago but it has seemed better lately. I’m definitely getting exhausted on the days that I’m out on my feet a lot and don’t get a nap. I also get some restless/tingly legs some nights when I’m trying to go to bed.
Belly Button in or out? in but it’s definitely getting more flat.
Wedding rings on or off? On but my fingers definitely have some swelling
Sleep: Still waking up a lot to pee. Some nights are better than others in the sleeping department and it seems like its taking me longer to fall asleep lately because I have trouble really getting comfortable.
Best moment this week: Our great friends had a baby this week and it really got me excited to meet our new addition. I loved hearing about her hospital experience this time (it was also her 2nd) and meeting her sweet baby boy. Since his arrival, I feel like my nesting mode has been amped up 110%. I am ready to finish up both Brody and Madelyn’s room!
Exercise: Sadly this has been almost nonexistent lately. I froze my Pure Barre account starting this month because I was having to modify too much and I wasn’t able to get to class as much as I wanted because Brody was in swim lessons all of July during the time we normally went. I would love to get on the elliptical some through the end of my pregnancy, but so far I haven’t been very successful.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not anymore!
Gender Prediction: It’s a GIRL. We were able to find out at an ultrasound at 16 weeks that we’re having a girl.
Labor Signs: No
Happy or Moody most of the time: I find myself getting a little moody in this heat honestly. I get overtired and then I become grouchy! But I’m happy other than that.
Looking forward to: Finishing up a few projects around the house. Some projects are for the kids rooms, but others are some house projects that we’ve needed to finish for a long time!! I have my 34 week OB appointment next week where they will check if baby is head down, so hopefully everything will look good there. I also hope to document the last 36-40 weeks of pregnancy well because I will start seeing the doctor weekly and like to document the progress!
And if you have missed any of my pregnancy updates this time around, here they are:
So close, Annie! She'll be here before you know it! Can't wait to see what you do with Madelyn's nursery!:) I know it will be gorgeous!
You look awesome girlfriend! I'm starting to feel like, wow….baby is coming soon and we have a LOT of work left to do! Nesting is in full force!
you look great! i cant believe you're having your baby girl in a month!! so exciting 🙂 xo jillian – cornflake dreams
You look AMAZING!! you are going to be the best girl momma. and I can't wait to ask you a million questions when I have a babe of my own one day 😉
Gorgeous mama!! So excited for you!!
You look great!! Next month – that's crazy!! Thank for saying maxi dresses are hot! It's so true, but I feel like no one admits it!
You look great!! Sounds like it's been a pretty easy going pregnancy! I can't wait to see what you do with little girl's nursery!