So I am obviously a bit late getting these updates up, but I wanted to have them to look back on and remember. It’s amazing how little and how much can change week to week! I always knew it was a possibility this pregnancy to have this baby as early as 38 or 39 weeks based on a few high blood pressure readings, but I still also thought I could be 41 weeks and still pregnant! If you missed it, I had our baby the day I turned 38 weeks :). So here are my last pregnancy updates and I will work on Molly’s birth story next week.

37 Weeks
Date: 8/21/18
How far along? 37 Weeks
Baby Size? Weighs approximately 7 lbs according to ultrasound!
Total weight gain: around 22.5 lbs
Maternity clothes? A mix of maternity and regular tops and dresses.
Miss Anything? Feeling good and not getting out of breath so easily
Movement: Yes! Lots of good movement thats starting to get really strong!
Symptoms: The heartburn and acid reflux is definitely still hanging around! ugh, thats the worst. I get a bit of restless leg syndrome at night too when I’m trying to fall asleep. Sleep is definitely getting harder and harder.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Sleep: Its getting harder and usually my restless legs or indigestion is keeping me awake when I lie down. I have to pee often and I am so tired by the afternoon.
Best moment this week: The kids start school this week and yesterday we took photos to get oil portraits done of the big kids which has been on my to-do list for awhile. I’m so excited to check that off the list and can’t wait to see them!
Exercise: none!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Gender Prediction: It’s a GIRL. We were able to find out at an ultrasound at 16 weeks that we’re having a girl.
Labor Signs: No
Happy or Moody most of the time: Indigestion and exhaustion is starting to make me cranky 🙂
Looking forward to: Finishing up the last minute things around the house before baby gets here and getting the kids back to school this week. They are looking forward to it and so am I!
Doc Appointment Update: My blood pressure was really good at my 37 week appointment and they checked me for dilation and it was still 0. My doc was going to try and strip my membranes to try and get labor starting naturally, but he couldn’t do that because I wasn’t dilated at all.

38 Weeks
Date: 8/28/18
How far along? 38 Weeks
Baby Size? Weighed 7 lbs 11 ounces according to ultrasound that day!
Total weight gain: around 24 lbs
Maternity clothes? A mix of maternity and regular tops and dresses.
Miss Anything? Same old stuff…wine, feeling good, working out, good sleep.
Movement: Yes! Lots of good movement thats starting to get really strong!
Symptoms: Heartburn, Acid Reflux really bad. I actually threw up one night from it. Still restless legs when I lie down at night.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Sleep: Getting harder and harder.
Best moment this week: We had a fun weekend with a few parties and kept ourselves busy. It actually helps me to be busy to keep my mind off being tired or uncomfortable.
Exercise: None
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! Other than that acid reflux. I’ve been trying to keep my diet pretty bland.
Gender Prediction: It’s a GIRL. We were able to find out at an ultrasound at 16 weeks that we’re having a girl.
Labor Signs: Not really. Just movement I think.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time. Just get tired by the late afternoon and evenings.
Looking forward to: Some family coming in for Labor Day weekend and hopefully enjoying our last weekend as a family of four before baby comes!
Doc Appointment Update: So I went to my 38 week doctors appointment and this time my blood pressure was high. I could feel myself getting a bit anxious before I went to my appointment because I think I knew there could be a possibility that I would have it that day or maybe be rechecked later in the week to have it. It wasn’t that I was super dilated (in fact I was only 1cm), but more because I could have high blood pressure reading or maybe low amniotic fluid. It turned out that my blood pressure was high and the fluid around the baby was lower again. Doc came in and said, I think we should work towards having this baby today! They didn’t want to risk it turning into preeclampsia. Matt wasn’t at Doc with me, so I’m calling him and Doc also didn’t want me going home. They walked me straight over to Labor and Delivery and it was BABY time!! This similar thing happened to me when I was pregnant with Madelyn, but it was at my 39 week appointment. You can read her birth story here.
So I promise I will get FULL birth story up soon for baby Molly!! Slowly getting back into the swing of things.
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