I’m trying to catch up on all my kiddos updates. I’ve had this one in my draft since the end of June when he really turned three! It’s been since you turned TWO since I’ve done an update, so here goes!
33 lbs 38.1″
Wearing mostly size 3, but fit into a few size 2 shorts & shirts. Size 8-9 shoes.
You sleep great at night from about 8 or 8:30pm until 7am.
You nap for 2-3 hours still, but you do fine if you don’t take one which is nice sometimes on the weekend. You usually nap from 1:30-4pm.
You had about two weeks (in May) where you tried coming into Mommy and Daddy’s room every night to sleep with us. Thankfully we broke the habit and you haven’t tried it again since.
You scared the poop out of us in March with your Febrile Seizure. It was a Monday and we had a play date that morning. You started acting tired around 11am and started running a fever. I gave you medicine to keep it down and you took a nap. That night during bath time, your fever spiked super high and you had a seizure. It was the scariest night of my life. You spent two nights in the hospital and thankfully had a full recovery.
You are also prone to ear infections and we are looking into having to put tubes in your ears this September.
Paw Patrol
Toy Story
Building –magnatiles, lincoln logs, Magic Brix
Baby Sister
Building –magnatiles, lincoln logs, Magic Brix
Baby Sister
You are so sweet to your sister. It has honestly been so much fun to watch. Now that she is older and walking, all you want to do is make her laugh and play with you. I know it will only continue to get better from here (and then probably worse), but right now you’ve learned that she is your built-in play mate.
The Easter Bunny
Santa Clause
Favorite Songs to Sing with Daddy:
Hunting, Fishing, Lovin’ Everyday – Luke Bryan
Faithfully – Journey
My Rifle, My Pony & Me – Dean Martin
Don’t Stop Believing – Journey
Hush Little Baby – because Mommy sings that to Madelyn
Hush Little Baby – because Mommy sings that to Madelyn
Some of my Favorite Lines:
“Mommy, I want another baby.”
“This thing is not cooperating.”
“It’s a gorgeous day today isn’t it, Mommy?”
Favorite Foods:
Grilled Cheese
Chick Fil A Nuggets
Cheese Quesadillas
Fruit of all kinds
Fruit Snack junkie
Waffles & Pancakes
You are still a super picky eater even though you will now eat chicken. You still won’t eat any pasta, other meats or vegetables 🙁
Swimming– You are swimming like a pro this summer. You took your ISR refresher course for two weeks and did awesome.
Talking – You started really talking well at 2 and then its just been so fun to watch you grow since then. It’s amazing what comes out of your mouth sometimes. I feel like I’m talking to an adult sometimes.
Potty Training – You started peeing on the potty some this summer, but we didn’t really push potty training. Finally, right after your 3rd birthday, we got serious about it and you are doing pretty good.
Dropping the Paci- You dropped your monkey paci right after your 2nd birthday. You still got to keep your monkey who you love so much, but the paci was gone and you did fine.
Big Boy Bed – We moved you to your big boy bed in August, just before Madelyn was born. The transition went way smoother than I expected!
You became a big BROTHER! – You have done an amazing job as your role of big brother and love your sister so much. Sometimes you even smother her a little too much.
You are our little buddy and best friend. We love watching you grow and learn and the way you love life. We love you to the moon and back!!
Places You’ve Gone:
This year you have been to Vail, Miami, Destin (a lot), Rosemary Beach, and New Orleans.
Favorite Toys:
magnatiles // lincoln logs // Magic Brix // Squigz // Thomas the Train Power Wheels // Disney 3-wheel Scooter // Buzz Lightyear

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He melts me…..and I'm so glad he is such a healthy, sweet, and fun big brother!
Seriously cutest little boy ever! I cannot even imagine how scary his febrile seizure was. Ugh gives me chills just thinking about that! So thankful he is healthy and seizure free now!
This is so cute! I love his little outfits.
He is so stinking cute! And LOL that he doesn't like Santa and The Easter Bunny!