Lighting has been one of the most fun things to shop for in the new house! There are so many great lighting options and it…
home decor
It has been MONTHS since I have given you guys new house updates on the blog and I apologize for that. You can read my…
14 Oct 2018
Serena & Lily Sale Favorites
Serena & Lily is closing out their big Friends & Family event this weekend and offering 20% off the entire site. I have had my…
16 Jul 2018
Amazon Prime Day | My Favorite Gadgets
Today starts Amazon Prime day!! A reward to all of us Mama’s that continue to be Amazon Prime members 🙂 I’m sharing some of my…
22 Mar 2017
Home Decor | Lacy Phillips Designs
When I first started this blog, we had just purchased our lot and I documented our entire building process. I had so much fun drawing…
11 Oct 2016
Our Fall Home Decor
I started putting our Fall decor out at the end of September this year and it started making me smile immediately. I love seeing all…
Hi Friends!
Welcome to Home of Malones where I share a little bit about our everyday life. I love my family, fashion, good food, and a great party and always strive to provide a little inspiration. I hope you stay awhile and join in on this crazy journey called Motherhood.
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