I am taking it old school today and randomly shot photos for a “day in the life” post from last Thursday. I haven’t done one of these in a long time and now since the kids are getting bigger, just started back school and we are getting into a bit of a routine; I thought it might be fun to share. We have also started our Fall activities and this is the first season that I have let the big kids do more than one “extra-curricular” activity at a time (Brody is doing soccer and tennis and Madelyn is doing soccer and ballet), so life is getting busier. Here is a simple look at our day.
7am Alarm goes off and kids are slowly rolling out of bed. I throw on some workout clothes, head into the kitchen to start getting lunches ready and breakfast going for the kids. The big kids are both pretty awesome at coming downstairs dressed and ready for school. Brody is great at it and Madelyn (almost 6) is getting so much better. It helps me out tremendously in the mornings. Ideally, we have laid out their clothes the night before in their room so they know exactly what to put on in the morning. For Molly, she likes to sleep in the latest; so I usually have to go wake her up myself upstairs and I grab her clothes for school then.
730am I heat up waffles or pancakes for the kids and everyone is eating and grabbing socks and shoes to put on before its time to leave.
8am We are heading out the door. Matt drops the big kids off to school for me on his way to work and I take Molly.
820am I am back home and it is such a gorgeous morning outside with a tiny bit cooler temps. The cleaning ladies are here to clean the house this morning (they come once a week) and I go outside to the porch with my computer and coffee and do a little computer work from outside.

1015am I head to my weekly tennis lesson. I just started back playing tennis last Spring (and then took the summer off), but it has felt so good to hit again. I am really only playing once a week right now for an hour and its just a fun lesson with friends, but I am loving it!

1145am I came home starving because I had no eaten yet. I toasted some Daves Killer bread and reheated these Chicken Koftas I had made earlier in the week. They were so good and easy. I added a little avocado, a fried egg on top and squirted with some sriracha. Recipe below was from Dining by Kelly.
Recipe for Chicken Kofta
1 lb ground chicken
1/2 yellow onion, diced
3 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 cup fresh parsley, chopped
1/2 tsp ground coriander
1/ tsp red pepper flakes
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp kosher salt
1 lemon, zested
Over medium heat, saute onions and garlic in a little oil for a few minutes. Combine everything together. Form small handfuls of the mixture into about 4 in cylinders. Heat a pan to medium high heat with some oil and sear on all sides about 1-2 minutes per side. Put into the oven at 400F for 10 minutes.

1230pm I sat down at my desk to make some lists, knock out a little more work and write a thank you card. (list note pads and stationary are from Joy Creative Shop.)

I also opened some packages from the house and got the cutest package for the kids from Little English. I cant wait to share this one with you guys for some cute Fall attire.

230pm All the sudden, 230pm rolls around quickly and its time to start picking up kids from school and gear up for an afternoon of sports! I have been soo lucky so far this year because our nanny from the summer time has been able to come help us in the afternoons after the kids get out of school. So she makes all the running around so much easier 🙂 So I grab Molly from school and she picks up the big kids for me.
3pm We meet back at home and its time for a quick snack and then Brody gets ready for tennis while she hangs with the girls.
330pm I take Brody to tennis and watch for a bit and run to the post office real quick before its time to pick him back up.
440pm Brody and I get back home and its time to pick Madelyn up for soccer practice and I drop Brody off back at the house with Molly and the sitter. I take Madelyn to soccer practice for 5pm and watch her practice.
545pm Lucy our sitter drops Molly and Brody back to the soccer field to me on her way home. We finish up Madelyns soccer practice and Matt shows up from work to catch the very end. We finish up and all walk over to Brodys soccer practice.
6pm Brodys soccer practice starts and we can tell it is about to start raining. So Matt and Madelyn stay with Brody at practice and I head home with Molly to try to get dinner going before they get home.