I am so excited to have committed to this program and have all of you help keep me accountable. I have shared some information about this on instagram and I have received a lot of questions about it. I tried to round up as many as I could to answer in one post.
This is my first round of FWTFL that started on December 31st. I am learning the ropes and have been so impressed with the program so far. I have also been very intrigued by the entire process of intermittent fasting. You can watch two really neat movies/documentaries on Amazon Video. One is called Fasting the movie and the other is the Science of Fasting. There is a lot of scientific background behind the concept of fasting. For me, I fell for this program because I loved the idea of making it a lifestyle while still being able to indulge in things like wine, pizza or Chick-fil-A. These are things that I know will happen and I wanted to make sure it wasn’t an all-or-nothing thing. After having three babies, my mid-section is the area that has suffered most. When you look at transformation or testimonials from people on this program, they lose the most inches from their waistband. That was intriguing to me. I also had some high blood pressure readings during my 2nd and 3rd pregnancies that I didn’t love and wanted to try to reduce without getting on medication. This way of eating is known to help lower blood pressure.
I have always loved breakfast, so when I first heard about this program; I didn’t think I had a chance. After a few days of trying out the fast, I couldn’t believe how quickly my body adapted. I think you would be surprised too!
Faster Way to Fat Loss FAQ
What is FWTFL?
The Faster Way to Fat Loss is a 6-week online fitness program (plus one week of prep), created by Amanda Tress, that focuses on increasing your metabolism and burning fat through carb cycling, intermittent fasting and tracking macro nutrients of your diet – specifically fat, carbs and protein using My Fitness Pal.
What are Macros?
Macronutrients are proteins, fats, and carbs. It all seems very complicated (I had no clue what they were before I started), but your coach breaks it all down for you and explains how it works. You also use the My Fitness Pal app that calculates it all for you which really helps. It is based on your height and weight.
Can you do this diet while breastfeeding?
This was the number one question I received for sure. The answer is YES! And you can do the program just like everyone else or your coach can help you adjust your macros a little bit on low carb days to help you. They have had many woman say that their supply has actually gotten better on the program because of all the “real foods” that they are feeding their body. So far, my milk has done great. I started supplementing with formula a little bit back in December before I started the program, so I don’t exclusively breastfeed right now. Hope that helps!
How often do you fast and how long?
The intermittent fasting window is 16 hours. They want you to fast every day for 16 hours and then eat for 8 hours. You get to pick your window that works best for you. I have liked my eating window to be from 11am to 7pm. They want you to try and stick to the same window each day the best you can.
Can you have anything during your fasting window?
Yes! You are supposed to eat less than 50 calories. So that leaves lots of coffee with your choice of creamer. I use an almond milk creamer that is only 15 calories per serving that way I can have at least two cups of coffee!
What are your workouts?
They give you dedicated workouts you can do every day of the program. They also have lots of people that choose not to do the workouts at all and that is okay too. They give you an option of workouts to do either at home or at the gym. They are all fast and effective which is what I like! Like 30min or less 🙂
Are you starving?
No. You wouldn’t believe the amount of food that you are actually able to eat. You have two low carb days, two low macro days, and three regular macro days. You totally get to eat CARBS. So don’t think you have to eliminate on the diet. As part of the program you will receive sample meal plans for lunches and dinners. Your coach and Facebook group community is also a huge resource for recipes, support and tips!
What is the diet / What do you eat??
As I mentioned above, you eat based on your macros each day. The recommended diet is to eat “real foods” similar to a Whole30. The program also recommends you to try cutting dairy and gluten because many people have an intolerance to it and don’t even realize it. But that is not mandatory at all. My coach doesn’t do it and neither do I! You can search Pinterest for healthy recipe ideas and as mentioned before, you will have a whole support group to help find recipe ideas. Carbs are not your enemy on this diet and I love that about it.
Can you have wine?
Yes! As long as they fit within your daily macro allowance, you sure can. And drink during your eating window as well.
Can you eat out or have cheat days?
Yes. Eating out is not a problem. The My Fitness Pal has lots of chain restaurants logged into the app which is really helpful. If that is not available, then you can just break it down item by item to log it in. I think like any other diet, a cheat meal here and there will not kill you. One more last weekend, I had breakfast with my family at 9:30am. That broke my fast earlier than normal, so then I just quit eating that day at 5:30pm so I still kept my 8 hour eating window. That is the flexibility that I appreciate about the program.
How much does the program cost?
The program cost $199 for your first time. That comes with an assigned coach, a group of other people on the diet ready to cheer you on, an entire portal full of information and workouts plus a week of preparation to teach you about the program and answer any of your questions. Almost $200 may seem like a lot of money, but I know I’m guilty of buying a dress with that price tag. For me, it is so worth it to invest in my health and gain the knowledge that I can keep for a lifetime.
How do I sign up?
It’s really easy. If you want to sign up with my coach, Kristen Mills, click here (affiliate link). It will automatically assign you to Kristen’s team. The next session starts on January 14th. It is filling up fast. They opened this session because there was such a huge demand for the December 31st round which is the one that I am in! They will continue to offer sessions on a rotating basis.
If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask. I tried to hit the main points the best that I could. I can’t wait to keep all of you updated on my progress!

I have enjoyed learning more about the program through the things you share.