Five on Friday | Life Lately

I hate I never made it back to post for Thoughts for Thursday yesterday, but happy to share a few things today for Five on Friday. 
Yesterday was picture day at school and the Brodster looked so sweet for his pictures, so I had to share.  My Mom dropped him off at school for me and sent the picture below of Brody and my nephew, William, who was all dressed for picture day too!  They were in matching gingham colors and we didn’t even plan it.  They looked so cute.
 I’ve been breastfeeding Madelyn since she was born.  Things have been going pretty well.  Some feedings seem to be a lot smoother and calmer than others.  She seems to get frustrated more the later in the day it gets.  I remember it being that same way with Brody.  Typically my milk supply seems to be lower by the end of the day and she just doesn’t seem to be getting enough to eat.  If you remember from my post about 5 things I’ll do the same with baby #2, I wrote that I will supplement with formula when needed.  Last night she had her first taste of formula.  She made a few funny faces as it first went down, but she was so much happy for the rest of the evening!! 
I’ve still been nesting pretty hard even with the baby already here.  You spend a lot of time at home when you first bring home a newborn and it’s so nice to be in a clean and organized house instead of a total mess.  Trust me, we have plenty of toys everywhere; but the more I can keep the place picked up, the better my sanity.  With that said, I did quite a bit of organizing in Madelyn’s closet this week and it made me so happy.  I plan to share it all including her whole nursery in the next couple of weeks!  I do love these adorable mermaid closet dividers that Natasha from Craft Craft Baby sent to me.  She was so sweet to work with and has tons of cute designs and does custom orders!
Madelyn will be two weeks old on Monday.  We’ve pretty much done everything go with the flow so far since she’s been here.  We didn’t start a routine with Brody until he was four weeks old.  My favorite Mom’s On Call book that I live by when it comes to babies actually starts a schedule at two weeks.  I feel pretty antsy to go ahead and start Madelyn come Monday.  She was a bigger baby, so I think she will be fine with the feeding and sleeping patterns.  Now that we have two kids, I think the sooner we can get on a routine the happier the whole house will be πŸ™‚
(Mom’s On Call swaddle. She loves her swaddle, thankfully.)
I’ve mentioned before that one of my most popular posts on the blog were some of my postpartum updates from my last pregnancy.  I think people love to read how other women bounce back from pregnancy.  I have plans to update all of you on how things are going after this pregnancy too!  I actually feel like I’m bouncing back faster this time than I did with Brody.   I wrote about a few of my postpartum plans here and have implemented some of those so far.  A sweet friend of mine made me these awesome (and healthy) energy balls to grab on the go for a bite of something sweet and a little pick-me-up.  I’ve been munching on a few of these this week too. 

Hope you have a great weekend!!!
Linking up with April for Five on Friday, AmandaFarmer Bell for Oh Hey Friday,
High Five for Friday {H54F} hosted by Bright on a BudgetCup of TeaCoffee with Caitlinand Della Devoted


  1. love her closet!! so cute!

    Posted 9.26.15
  2. Angie wrote:

    I swear you have the prettiest babies ever πŸ™‚

    Posted 9.26.15
  3. Brody & William look so cute!! I was sitting here reading & thinking "dang! Sister has it going on!" I just remember the first week after Jack I was in such a fog & the second week I wanted to get up & go (or do something!) but my aunt insisted that I rest & just take care of Jack. Looking back it was definitely a blessing to have help the first 2 wks but, also a set back as I wasn't doing much else than just the baby (which is a lot but, ya know…). You are doing awesome though! Keep it up sister!!

    Posted 9.26.15
  4. Julie Wlodychak Borm wrote:

    Brody is such a handsome little man! Love the little outfits you find for him, and he looks like the most proud big brother. Hope your family is doing well!

    Posted 9.27.15
  5. Hanging with the Hirsts wrote:

    Brody looks so handsome in his little school picture outfit! So glad you are able to breastfeed and supplement with formula – sounds like Madeyln is pretty happy with that choice πŸ™‚ Can't wait to see the rest of her room – her closet looks fabulous!

    Posted 9.27.15

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