It’s time for some Five on Friday and since I’m getting close to “D-day” over here, I can’t help but start thinking of life/body after baby!
I’ve read a lot of reviews about this and have been really intrigued by the process. I’m really hoping to get a jump start after this baby is born and work on good eating habits pretty quickly. I know this program takes some prep work, but it’s so great at teach quantity control which will be great for me. I love that you get to eat a little from each food group and no doubt the hardest thing for me will be controlling the wine consumption!! At home workout videos are always nice to have on hand with a newborn too because it’s hard to get to a gym when they first arrive!
Has anyone done a 21 day fix before? Please share your experience with me!!!
Have you heard of the Belly Bandit before? I picked up one of these on Zulily after I already had Brody and it was too late for me to use after giving birth to him. So now I am excited to try with this baby. It helps get your tummy back a bit faster and I also like the idea of being able to use it underneath clothes to “smooth” things out a bit. I’ll let ya’ll know how it goes….
I know you’ve heard me talk about the Blueprint Cleanse juices before, but I truly love them!! I don’t always just use them as a cleanse (as I wouldn’t do when I’m breastfeeding), but love them as a supplement to my day. The green juices makes me feel so good and they help keep things regular if you know what I mean!! They are offering $35 off of their 3 day cleanses right now through 9/14 with code CLEANSE35!
Ya’ll, I’ve always loved photography, but never really done much to learn more than my iPhone. I’ve had a DSLR for about 4 years and pretty much never used it for the first 2 years. I’m finally getting into it more and appreciating what better quality photos it takes. My friend let me do a little mini-photoshoot with her kids yesterday and I had the best time ever!!! And you know what?? I have this awesome program called Photoshop Lightroom to edit my photos, but I don’t have a clue how to use it!!! I ended up using iPhone apps to do most of the editing. Does anyone use Lightroom??? What are your pointers?

I’m excited to introduce you to Brittany from The Lady Lawyer. She is one HofM’s sponsors this month and a blog I’ve been following for the better part of this year! She’s fairly new to the blog world, but is a Southern belle after my own heart. She’s got great style (look for her link-up below) and loves a good recipe! I’ll let her do the rest of the talking, but be sure to stop by her blog and say hello!!
I’m excited to introduce you to Brittany from The Lady Lawyer. She is one HofM’s sponsors this month and a blog I’ve been following for the better part of this year! She’s fairly new to the blog world, but is a Southern belle after my own heart. She’s got great style (look for her link-up below) and loves a good recipe! I’ll let her do the rest of the talking, but be sure to stop by her blog and say hello!!
Hi! I’m Brittany and I blog at The Lady Lawyer! I’m 27 and I’m born and bred in the great state of Kentucky. I love my state and I promise if you like horses, beautiful landscapes, or bourbon you will too!
My fiance and I are both lawyers and actually work together (sometimes it gets crazy people!).
We are both over the moon crazy for our two dogs Jax and Milo. These two angels bring so much joy to our lives that we almost forget about the incessant barking….almost.
Obviously, I’m a lawyer. Like any job I have good days and bad days but I honestly think my job is perfectly suited for me. I practice mostly in personal injury and medical malpractice and it’s fulfilling to know that all my hard work actually helps people.
I think I started a blog so I could have a hobby (haha!). Aside from blogging, I enjoy cooking, reading, and dreaming up travel plans. I value my friendships and love spending as much time as possible with my girlfriends.
Why I Blog
Sometimes, I wonder this myself. Blogging is very time consuming but at the end of the day I do it because I love it. I love crafting up new post ideas and sharing my experiences with whoever will read it. Mostly, I keep blogging because of the friendships I’ve developed. I’ve met so many wonderful and intelligent women through blogging. It’s so satisfying to know that I could go pretty much anywhere in the country and be able to call upon a fellow blogger for recommendations or meet up for a drink!
What I Blog About
I try to only blog about things that I’m genuinely interested in and know at least a bit about. Every week I have a Work Week Chic feature that I love. This series focuses on showcasing stylish work outfits to get us all through the 9-5 monotony. On Instagram I post my daily work outfits under #MyOfficeChic. Please linkup your work outfits under the hashtag–I feature some weekly in my series 🙂
My blog also usually features a weekly recipe or cocktail.
Hope you enjoyed meeting Brittany (or getting to know her better) and have an awesome weekend!!!
Linking up with April for Five on Friday, Amanda, Farmer Bell for Oh Hey Friday,
High Five for Friday {H54F} hosted by Bright on a Budget, Cup of Tea, Coffee with Caitlinand Della Devoted
High Five for Friday {H54F} hosted by Bright on a Budget, Cup of Tea, Coffee with Caitlinand Della Devoted
What sweet pictures of your friend's babies! I haven't personally used Lightroom but fellow photog friends have and they claim that once you figure it out, it's a game changer!
Now, for the 21DF, I LOVED IT. I'm actually gearing up for another round starting this Monday– the biggest part of it is the planning, so once you figure out meals, where you can repurpose leftovers, etc. it all flows together. And if you Google around, there are TONS of spreadsheets and guidelines that people have put together to help keep track of which "colors" you've eaten and have left each day. I thought the wine would be my biggest struggle too, but there is an allowance if you have to have it, but when you look at what you give up (I think it's a blue, which is dairy) in order to have the wine, it wasn't worth it to me! I have all kinds of recipes and spreadsheets saved and would be more than happy to share– shoot me an email and I'll send it over 🙂
I bought a postpartum "wrap" thing like that and liked it, but as you say mainly because it helped "smooth" and shrink how my belly looked under my clothes, but I don't feel like it actually helped shrink anything. I found control top leggings worked great too and were more comfy!!
Thanks for introducing us to a new blogger, I love finding new people!
Love love love 21DF! The girls above basically said it all but I just wanted to add that my experience has been amazing with it! 🙂
I've so enjoyed sponsoring you and getting to know you better!
I didn't use the belly bandit but I did here some good reviews about it from friends. Also I think Kelly at familiar joy did the 21 day fx and had great results.
liz jo @ sundays with sophie
i tried the belly bandit and it wasnt a fan.. it wasnt very comfortable (go figure!) xo jillian – cornflake dreams
I LOVE 21 Day Fix. The workouts are fun and quick and I saw results immediately. The hardest part is finding the time for the food prep, but once you've got it down, it's not that big of a deal. I think I have posts about my experience with it I'll have to find and email you. Love those juices too. I'm anxious to hear how you like the Belly Bandit. I haven't bit the bullet yet and purchased one because I'm not sure if it's good to use since I'm having a csection…I'll have to ask my doc! I'll need all the help I can get on my tummy! Have a great weekend!
My sister had a belly band similar to that after her C-section recently and she LOVED it. She wore it well after her incision had healed. She said she felt like it kept everything "tight and in". Have a great weekend girl!
You did an awesome job taking pictures for your friend- I definitely want to get a nice camera/ learn how to use it once we have kids!!
Your pictures are great! Editing is SO hard and takes so much playing around with. Have you heard of Blogshop? They are supposedly a great bootcamp at it! I had a Belly Bandit after Greyson and really loved it! I put it on the second I got to my hospital room post L and D. I also have a good friend who did Blueprint while nursing. She added salads to lunch and dinner!
I did the belly bandit with Sawyer and the Blue Print cleanse. Fans of both!
Love those pictures you took…you've got skill! Like you, I usually use my iPhone to take pictures but want to take a photography class to learn more about my DSLR!
I love the photos you took! They are just gorgeous. I'm always so impressed with what people can do with photos. I think a photography class someday would be a lot of fun. For now, I just continue to use the ole' iPhone. You are definitely talented!
I used the bellybandit (from Zulily) after I had my twins almost 9 months ago. I loved it. I wore it around the house religiously. It helped with holding my c-section together and flattened my tummy. It can be hard to use while breastfeeding or pumping, but such a great product. You can't go wrong with it.
Those pictures are adorable! And how exciting that you're in the final countdown! I agree – having workout/eating plans in place ahead of time is smart so you can plan it all out. I'm curious to hear what you think about the Belly Bandit! I opted not to get one, but I heard so many positive things from it! Hope you're having a great week.
I did 21 DF and loved the meal plan!! It was great and so helpful. It really helped me to plan out for the week so I wouldn't make poor choices. The food prep did take time, but once you're in the hang of it, it's easy!! I just ordered the cookbook to go with it which is awesome and so many great ideas. So if you're interested I can help you! As for Lightroom, I have it but still figuring it out 😉 Enjoy snuggling Madelyn..and Brady too!