I kicked off our Holiday Gift Lists last week with a beauty post during the Sephora sale and this week I am hoping to hit you with three new lists! Today is a list for the girls! I would say this list is great for ages 3 to 5 years old. But I also included some of our previous gift lists at the bottom that are great for some of the younger ages. And I did put together a girls “one year old” gift list that I’m using for Molly that I will share too 🙂
You can click the items above to shop the items directly or you can read the items listed below!

Easy Bake Oven
I remember loving this as a little girl and now Madelyn has been asking for one. So I put this on her list this year and we will see if Santa brings it! I can’t believe how pricey these things have gotten!
Baby Care Activity Center
I think this is too cute! My kids would love it. Sadly, we don’t really have the space for it in this house; but love the idea of it for our new house. It has a place for baby to eat, change diaper, cook, and a nursery.
Unicorn Sidewalk Chalk
Simple stocking stuffer that the girls would love.
Unicorn Speaker
This might be for a little older girl but the concept is adorable! This unicorn allows your child to send messages to specific contacts that you set up for them. They can use it like a walkie talkie and only need wi-fi.
Bicycle (also, Great Alternative for 1/3 the Price)
Madelyn has the balance bike that I have listed below and we have loved it sooo much! It is light, easy to use and we throw it in the car and bring it places with us. But now she is ready for a big girl bike. There are lots of cute ones out there and they get quite expensive. I haven’t decided which we will get yet, but I found some great ones on Amazon (linked above) for more reasonable prices.
Kids Digital Camera
This is a cute idea for those that are interested in stealing your camera of phone all of the time. It takes real pics and video and even has filters or stickers they can add to photos.
Doll House
Madelyn got a doll house last year that she has loved. This one is super cute and its always fun to find the pieces for them to play with inside the doll house.
Wicker Baby Stroller
I am actually buying this for Molly our one year old for Christmas this year, but I will be interested to see which one of the girls uses it more!
Balance Bike (Great alternative for 1/2 the Price) & Helmet
This is the balance bike Madelyn has and I just love it!! We also have the helmet that I have loved too. I found a less expensive option on Amazon too that I think would also be great.
American Girl Doll
We have started our collection of American girl dolls and my girls just love them! And so do I! Ha! If you want to start them with the baby, they make this precious Bitty Baby you can try first.
Play Make Up Set
These are great because they are fake but look real and the girls feel fancy. Madelyn is four and I can not trust her around the house with real make up still, so this is a perfect alternative.
Mini Size Sun Bathing Chair
This would have to be for our new house but it is a MUST for my girls!
Baby Doll Bed
I fell in love with this from the second I saw it! It is just too cute looking.
Modern Kitchen Set
I kept this on the list because it is just so good for so many ages. Madelyn still loves it at 4 and Molly is having fun with it at age 1.
Wicker Luggy Basket
This is similar to the Wicker stroller, so I decided to go for the stroller; but I love the idea of this for letting them push whatever they want around!

Boogie Board – My niece and nephew just sent this cute drawing board to Madelyn for Christmas. I have never seen these before and I just love them. They are actually perfect for Brody too (age 5) since he is learning to write and practice his letters. It’s great for the car, airplane, or at home.
Old School Nintendo – This just made me happy to see! Brody is actually dying for the Nintendo Switch this year that he played at a friends house, but I just can’t get him started on video games yet. But when he is ready for a gaming system, I could have a lot of fun with this one!!
Magnaformers (boy) – Magnatiles have been the number one toy in our household (for both girl and boy) for like 3 years running now. My kids just play with them ALL THE TIME. So when I learned about these magnaformers, I was pretty excited to surprise them this year with something a little different. They are going to be obsessed.
Magnaformers (girl) – Since Madelyn (age 3) loves them as much as Brody, I thought a girl set would be fun too.
Woobo Interactive Robot – Y’all, this thing is cool!! I ordered it for Brody and the Woobo Mini for Madelyn. These little robots sing songs, tell stories, help them brush their teeth and so much more. I can’t wait to see how they interact with them. I feel like this is our coolest gift. I’m interested to see if they love it as much as I think they will.
Princess Doll Set – This set looks sold out right now which I’m so sorry about. Im keeping it on here because maybe it will come back. I think this is the cutest set for the girls!!
Ballerina Doll – I love this doll for the girls. It would be the perfect stocking stuffer to hang out of their stocking!
Disneys Sing A Long Purse – How cute is this purse that is like a boom box for the girls? It plays music and has a microphone for them to sing along.
Hot Wheels CorkScrew Track – Brody loves him some hot wheels these days and we have one track already that is really cool. He’s really excited about this one.
School Time Kit – Melissa and Doug makes so many great toys. Brody is loving playing teacher lately, so I thought this would be fun for him and Madelyn to play.
Strider Bike and Helmet – Madelyn is getting a big girl bike this year. I die over this bike with the basket and cute matching helmet. It comes in tons of great colors for both boys and girls too! You can still order it tonight to get in time for Christmas!
Ugg Boots – Always a favorite of mine! The pink is so sweet.
Paw Patrol Fire Truck – Kind of like the magnatiles, Brody has been obsessed with Paw Patrol for many years now. He is still asking for more Paw Patrol for Christmas this year. He loves this new firetruck.
Wooden Guitar – For my music lovers, this guitar is so cute.
Sorel Boots – Each of my kids have their Sorel boots for our ski trips and they love them and they happen to look ADORABLE in them. We even get a few days a year in Florida to wear them too.
Carry-All Basket on Wheels – This is a cute basket to lug dolls, toys, or stuffed animals around the house.
Copper Pan Set – Love the copper and we are back on the kitchen bandwagon this year. Its all Madelyn has asked for! You can still get free shipping on this item too!
Lite-Brite Screen – Does this remind you of your childhood or what??
Vintage Kitchen – So I gave our old kitchen away this summer because we needed space for new things and they seemed to not play with it as much. Well now all Madelyn can talk about is a new kitchen! Yikes!
3-in-1 Deluxe Scooter – This thing looks awesome. They can sit or stand and scoot all around.

Wooden Doll House
Madelyn is probably still a little young for this wooden play house with all the pieces, but I couldn’t help myself with the Magnolia collection was released at Target. I think Brody will actually enjoy playing with it too and thought it would be something fun they can do together.
Radio Flyer Classic Tricycle (also comes in red)
We used to have a smaller red tricycle for Brody that was plastic by Radio Flyer when he was little. I really wanted a bike for Madelyn this year, but I think she is still too young.
Doc McStuffins Hospital Care Cart
Madelyn loves Doc McStuffins and got the dress up kit for her birthday. I thought this care cart would be fun to add to her collection and she can play doctor to her stuffed animals and baby dolls.
Talk & Trace Clipboard
This little clipboard is just something extra to go with the Care Cart above.
20 inch JC Baby Doll
This baby doll is the BEST. It is 20 inches long which is the size of most newborn babies. She carries it everything. It can wear newborn size diapers and clothes. So whip out your old newborn clothes and let her dress her babydoll.
Badger Basket 3-in-1 Stroller/Pram/Baby Carrier
I bought a similar pram to this on Zulily about a month ago for Madelyn. I thought it was so cute for her babydoll because she loves to push things. This one is really great because it folds up and is three items in one! You can use it as a pram, but also take it off for a regular stroller and just a baby carrier.
Little Tikes Magical Unicorn Carriage
I’m dying over this cuteness!! We don’t have any Little Tikes cars for the kids and now I want one. This was is so fun and I’m obsessed with unicorns. It’s brand new and I think your little princess would love it!
Disney Princess Dress Up Trunk
I feel like this princess trunk comes at such a great price and love that it has four Disney princesses. Madelyn is just getting excited about dressing up and I love these sweet princess outfits. I’m sure I will be kicking myself in about a year when she is kicking and screaming to wear her costumes to school because she refuses to take them off.

Click and Play Saxophone – We love music in our house!
Little People A Christmas Story Nativity – This is Brody’s first year of really wanting to learn and understand the meaning of Christmas. It’s so much fun watching it through his eyes.
Magnetic Ice Cream Cone Set– We love all of our kitchen items and can always add to the collection.
Hape Wooden Kitchen– This was one of Brody’s first birthday gifts and he still plays with it to this day.
Hape Kitchen Starter Set – Wooden accessories to play with.
Wooden Cookie Play Food Set – Brody is a Cookie Monster and we love Melissa & Doug toys.
Magnatiles– We play with these daily!
Magnetic Puzzle and Drawing Board- Love the idea of the magnets and also can be used as a drawing board.
Remote Control Car– We have the remote control plane that we love to play with!
Laugh and Learn Purse– Madelyn is obsessed with my keys and wallet and wants to empty it all the time. I think she needs one of her own.
Amazon Fire Kids Tablet– We own one of these and they are great for travel. If you are a Prime member you get tons of free shows and videos and can download movies to watch in car or airplane.
Camp Fire Set– I want to add this set to Brody’s teepee so we can make s’mores.
Playdoh Cement Mixer– I kind of HATE play doh, but it can occupy some time and I think Brody’s old enough to use one of these play sets now.