(not your best smile. you just weren’t feeling it!)
27lbs (80th) and 34in (95th)
You have been in the 90 plus percentile for height every visit!
Wearing size 5 diapers. Size 7 shoes. Clothes size 2 and a few 3’s.
You take one nap a day usually about 2 hours long starting around 1pm. You are pretty easy to go down for your naps, but if I ever miss my window putting you down, you are happy to just totally skip your nap. We definitely don’t make a habit of that.
You started climbing out of your crib and a pack and play at 18 months old and I was pretty devastated. It was too early, but I couldn’t keep you in it. You would climb out head first. It started while we were in Vail on vacation in your pack and play and then continued when we got home in your crib. We started by putting your crib mattress on the floor in your room. That didn’t work out great. You used to be so easy to put down at night. We would read, rock and sing and then stick you right in your crib to fall asleep. With this new freedom, you were all of the place. We now have you in a toddler bed and you sleep great in it, but sometimes we still find you running around in your room after we have put you to bed. Thankfully you sleep through the night in it and that’s what matters most!
You are are a good eater. You will eat just about anything although I have found you to be a little more picky lately. I can’t figure out what you really want for breakfast lately. You don’t care for pancakes or waffles much at all. Grits seem to be a hit most of the time and also scrambled eggs.
You will eat chicken, turkey, macaroni, peas, green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, and all fruits.
We still have you on a bottle at morning and night. I was so paranoid and strict with Brody by making sure he was completely off a bottle at 18 months, but I just don’t care that much with you. You LOVE your bottle. And since we had to transition you to the toddler bed so early, I wasn’t ready to take the bottle away too. Hopefully we can gradually get rid of that.
630-7am Wake Up
730am Breakfast
9am MDO
10am Snack
12pm Lunch
1pm Home from MDO & Nap
3:30pm Wake Up & Snack
5pm Dinner
630pm Bath
7-730pm Bedtime
You have been pretty healthy lately. I was pretty shocked that we made it through most of then winter (starting in January) without a ton of sickness. You were prone to ear infections and got tubes in your ear in May. Since then we haven’t had any problems!! You got a terrible cough in August when we returned home from Martha’s Vineyard. You actually had the start of pneumonia, but thankfully you were able to kick it. You got another little cough around Labor Day just after school started. Hoping we can stay well this Fall.
Baby Dolls- You are obsessed. You love to wrap your dolls up in little blankets and pushing them in the stroller. You love to carry them around and now you like sleeping with them. You just got several new ones for your birthday.
Playing with Brody
Seeing Daddy walk through the door after work
Saying “Group Hug” and making all 4 of us hug together before Daddy leaves for work
You love to play with Magnatiles. You build a “triangle.”
You love to play with Magnatiles. You build a “triangle.”
Books – You love the touch and feel books from Jelly Cat. We also have this one old puppy book that you have become obsessed with and love to name the dogs on each page.
Playing outside and riding in Brody’s jeep or driving your little Minnie car.
You have started to become attached to your blankie. You have about 4 blankies now that you love.
Swimming- you love the pool and have been a really good swimmer this summer.
The beach- I’m so happy that you are loving the sand! You love going into the water even if it’s freezing.
The beach- I’m so happy that you are loving the sand! You love going into the water even if it’s freezing.
Winnie the Pooh obsessed!
You still don’t like putting clothes on or having your diaper changed
You are hating milk out of a sippy cup and only want your milk if it’s warmed up. #diva
You get so sad and upset when we firmly tell you NO
You get so sad and upset when we firmly tell you NO
When Brody doesn’t want to share with you
You moved to a Toddler Bed (18 months)
You are still in love with Winnie the Pooh
You are still in love with Winnie the Pooh
You dropped the Paci around 23 months old right after our trip to Martha’s Vineyard.
You sing the words to Moana – How Far I’ll Go. We listen to it in the car all the time.
“No one knows, How Far it goes…”
You love me to sing Twinkle Twinkle at bedtime. You have quite a few songs under your belt now…
You love me to sing Twinkle Twinkle at bedtime. You have quite a few songs under your belt now…
Rock a bye Baby, Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Loves the Little Children, Move the Mountain
You can say our prayer all by yourself now…
“Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, Love be with me through the night and keep me til the morning light. Amen.” It’s the cutest thing ever to listen to your sweet voice.
You are still a little parrot. You repeat everything we say. You have this deep, raspy voice sometimes that just cracks me up.
You are still a little parrot. You repeat everything we say. You have this deep, raspy voice sometimes that just cracks me up.
You pretty much thing all colors are green. You are trying to learn a few more though.
You show interest of wanting to use the potty, but you have only peed and pooped on the potty one time.
I haven’t pushed the potty training thing yet, because I don’t think you are quite ready. Ironically, you always want to go use the potty when we are out in public probably because you know I don’t like to take you in all the gross public bathrooms!
Rosemary Beach
Rosemary Beach
Disney World
Martha’s Vineyard

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She is just the absolute cutest! I’m so impressed with all of her songs and her perfect blonde curls too! What a doll
Such a cutie-pie!
She is just the sweetest thing! Can’t believe she’s 2!!
She could not be more beautiful!
She is an absolute doll! I absolutely love the clothes you buy for both your children. You have impeccable taste.
How is she already two!? She gets cuter and cuter! Her blonde curls kill me! Xo
Happy birthday Madelyn!!!