March Favorites | Spring Break Edition

It looks like some of you are in Spring Break mode and I have had a few requests to share some new Spring favorites.  I honestly haven’t really shopped much for Spring at all, but I did share a couple of bathing suits that I ordered on Instagram today and here is a round up of a few of my favorite dresses and accessories.



I have ordered a couple of these and will try to do a try-on for you guys soon.  This dress has definitely been on of my favorites from this year.  I have had a lot more “misses” than usual the last couple of months with my TNuck orders.  I need to share a few more of my misses from my last order.  I will try to do that on instagram.  But I am happy with some of the new Spring stuff that I am seeing them release now that I am sharing with you! I hope this is helpful 🙂