I took my first Mahjong lesson last week which was so much fun!! I have been wanting to do this for almost a year now and we finally had such a fun opportunity to do it in our area. One of our friends who works in PR and reps the Mahjong Line, Lindsay Fleege, brought a wonderful instructor into town all the way from Dallas. Stephanie of @themarvelousmrsmahjong, flew to town and hosted 6 different Mahjong lessons around our area in just two days. I was able to attend one of two sessions that were held at my friend Kelly’s home decor store, Salt Home Studio.
The venue was beautiful, tables were set and the wine was ready for us and it was time to get started because we had no time to lose with just a quick 2 hour beginners lesson!! @themarvelousmrsmahjong got straight to it and we went over the basic rules of the game. From there, we learned how to “deal.” That part alone can get quite confusing with a few quirky rules to remember! From there, we played out a whole game; learning more and more as we are playing and practicing at the same time.

The Salt Home Studio Store
Erin and I won or game!! Our prize was these adorable Mahjong Line cocktail napkins.

I found our lesson so helpful and leaving wanting so much more!!! I wish I could have devoured another lesson and really felt like I had a good handle on the game. One lesson, I did still feel like I could play a game with some help; but one more lesson, and I think I could do it by myself! Does that make sense? I want to make sure that I jump into another game soon so that I don’t lose everything that I learned! I did sign up for an online site to play so hopefully that will keep me fresh on the rules.
It was so much fun seeing how many people got to learn from Stephanie in these two short days. That means we have that many more potential players in our area that will continue to play and enjoy the game!! I can’t wait to keep it up.
Have you had your first experience with Mahjong yet? What did you think? From everything I have heard, its quite addicting!! I have a feeling that will be me next. I can’t wait to plan my first Mahjong event 🙂