Our Christmas 2020

We had a great holiday season this year despite COVID and everything going on in the world!  We were lucky enough to all stay healthy and be able to enjoy time with family for the holidays.  We baked, we met Santa, we baptized my niece Camille, we brought dessert to friends and neighbors, the kids made it through school (all the way to the last day of the semester without any quarantines), we made gingerbread houses, toured the Christmas lights and celebrated with family!!  Here’s a big photo dump of our month since I am so behind…


Brunch at my Brothers house


A few photos by my talented friend Jamie of CondonOptics that she took of the kids 🙂


We had our first Christmas at our new house with just me, Matt and the kids and it was so fun.  Then around lunchtime, my family came over and we exchanged gifts, enjoyed appetizers and then sat down for a family dinner.


:: Our Previous Christmas ::

 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015