I figure better late than never on sharing our Christmas decorations this year! I always go back and look at years past as a reference; so even though I can’t be much inspiration to you guys this year since I’m so late posting, at least I’ll have it documented to look back on next year!!

You like my riding Elf??? 🙂
A couple close-up’s of our tree this year. In all honesty, I cussed our tree more times than not this season. It was the biggest, fattest tree that was way too big for our family room. My husband was determined to get a 10 foot tree this year and like amateurs, we chose a tree that was still wrapped up leaning against a fence instead of seeing it and all its glutinous glory on a tree stand first!! So we get it home and what the hell can you do but keep it??? Live and learn….
I added a little touch of Christmas in Madelyn’s nursery this year with some pops of pink, white and gold. It will be fun to her collection next year. I was in Target today and I’m pretty excited to shop their Christmas decor sales after the holiday!!

I decorated Brody’s nursery last year and this year I put all the same goodies in his big boy room. It’s the perfect amount of holiday cheer!! I can’t wait until he’s a little bit older and fully appreciates my efforts 🙂

And here’s a look back at past years…
Merry Christmas from these two that always keep me on my toes…
Love your home! All the garland is just GORGEOUS! That tree does look massive…glad I wasn't the one decorating it!
Absolutely gorgeous!! LOVE that you decorated the kids' rooms, too!
Emma | Seeking the South
Loving your decor, it all looks gorgeous! We got a 10 foot tree this year too, and it's daunting to decorate half of it up on a latter!
And of course loving the doggy photo bomb <3
Green Fashionista
Oh my goodness, Annie! Your home looks beautiful!! Have a very Merry Christmas!
A christmas tree that's too fat… What an AWESOME problem to have! I bet it smells delightful and makes your heart melt when those sweet bebes see it tomorrow morning!
Merry Christmas!
Your decorations are beautiful!!! Love the little touches in the kid's rooms too 🙂