If you have been following along on my instagram, you might have seen that I have been super excited to get some family videos made from all of the hundreds of small videos that have have stored away on my iPhone. I came across an account on Instagram called @isbellfamilyfilms and I was completely intrigued. I contacted her immediately and we were off to the races uploading all of our family videos to a shared Google Drive account.
I couldn’t believe how fast and easy the process was. If you have ever tried making and editing videos of your own, it can be VERY tedious and time consuming. I’ve made a few in my day and they just take me too long. I’m not particularly good at it and finding all the right music and playing just the right length of each clip– it’s a lot!
So I was ecstatic that Kalee could do this for me! We have completed two already and I shared the short versions of them on Instagram. But I thought I would share the full length version with you girls so you could see what an entire year looked like! We are still working on 2014, 2015 and 2016 because you know I have to go back to every year since we started having kids! It’s actually been a lot of fun.
I would also love it if you would subscribe to my YouTube channel. I hope to be incorporating more videos this year into my blogging and have already talked to Kalee about filming A Day in the Life Vlog. I did one back in 2016 and you guys seemed to love it!