Our First Day of School 2024 + BTS Favorites

We actually started school on a Monday this year and it was pretty darn good! It is always a bittersweet time of year where one part of me is so sad to kiss summer goodbye because it really is my favorite season and best time of year, but the other part of me is so ready to get back into routine with the kids and myself!  It is always a rude awakening on that first day of school because we have spent the summer not going to bed until 10pm or later and have all learned out to sleep in; but we set our alarms and everyone was excited and ready for the first day of school!

For the second year in a row, we have all 3 kids at the same school and it is so nice!! We are 5th, 3rd and 1st this year which I can hardly believe; but I love it.  It is the best having them all together.  We missed our Meet the Teachers day this year because we were out of town, so it did feel a little strange that I hadn’t been in the classrooms with them yet and they had not officially met their teachers even though they all kind of knew her their teachers were from being at the school.

We have a fun “back to school” breakfast every year at the house where I have collected some goodies over the years and thrown them on a table for them to make it fun and special.  Many years it is just some powdered donuts thrown on a plate with some special chocolate milk because its quick and easy; but the last couple of years, they have requested their favorite French toast casserole for the first day of school.

I always try to give a little something for the teachers on the first day that they can use throughout the year and this year it was a school bus of post-it notes (you can never have to many, right?) and some pencils and a cute pencil case with a tag from Katie Corley Art.  It was a little sad this year (since it will be he is last one in Elementary school), but Brody looked at me like “Mom, you can’t really make me bring my teachers a gift??”.  Like he is too cool now for teacher gifts!!

They all got to pick new backpacks this year and they all picked something different. I have tagged our favorite back to school items below that you can click.

Off they go for another year of grade school!! Treasuring this last year with all my babies in Elementary school 🙂



Previous Years First Day of School:

 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023


Click for Back to School with TBBC

Click for Back to School Favorites for the Girls

Click for Back to School Favorites for the Tween Girls

Click for Back to School Favorites for the Tween Boys