Definitely the most requested post lately has been an update on our new house. I’m sorry I haven’t sat down here before now and given you guys an update. This process has seemed so lo ng (since the time we actually purchased the property) that I guess I didn’t even know where to begin! So I am just going to start from the very beginning and try to keep it as brief as possible!
So we love the house we live in now (which I also documented our build back 6 years ago here), but we always knew that we would eventually move over into a smaller town (10 minutes from where we are now) called Gulf Breeze which is where I grew up from age 4 until high school graduation. The public schools are wonderful there and we love the tight knit community. We also knew that when we got over there that we would love to be on the water if we could.
So four years ago when I was pregnant with Madelyn, we just started looking at property. We found a lot that we liked but it fell through and then we came across this house. This house came with it’s problems but we were in love with the trees, the land and the gorgeous water views. The fact that it had a house on the property ended up being a bit of a bonus because we knew we were not building immediately, so we were able to rent it out for a few years before we tore it down. We closed on this lot the day I gave birth to Madelyn ( September 2015)! I was so nervous, but so excited at the same time!
June, two years ago, we started working on house plans with our home designer. That was a 14 month process. We tore down the house last July and cleared our lot. Then we got our final house plans last August and it was time to start building. Well it was hurricane season and the construction world was busy and it was the holidays by the time we started working on bids with our builder. Needless to say, it was April 2019 before we ever broke ground. My friends, the process is long! It’s a lot of work, exhausting and stressful at times, but also really fun. I know any of you that have gone through it can relate.
So I am here today to share the process. I am flattered that so many of you are interested. I will try to do a better job giving periodic updates. Hopefully we will be getting to some of the pretty stuff soon :). And I will also try to share some inspiration posts with guys because I know that is what ya’ll love to see anyway.

The lot is cleared and it was time for us to start building! (April 2019)

Our builder, Old South Construction, does an awesome job taking these drone views when the footers are poured. I love seeing the outline of our entire house.

Here is Matt with our builders, Stephen and Klein Miller (a Father-Son team), on the day we poured the slab.

Our framers were absolutely amazing. This is the day the first wall when up. These guys framed our entire house in like less than 6 weeks. It was incredible.

The windows below that our builder is sticking his head out of will be Brody’s bedroom.

In July, we had electricians, plumbers and the AC team all coming through the house to do their work “behind the walls.” We spent three hours one day walking the house with the electrician talking about where every light fixture and can would go and every light switch! You would never guess how much thought goes into that.

This is the view when you walk in the front door 🙂

This is the view a friend sent to me from a boat ride! Pretty darn cool.

And these photos below are the most recent. They have been working on putting up the board and batten and soffits so that we can get the roof finished and dried in.

You guys are so sweet to follow along. I have been using the hashtag #malonemaison (maison is house in french for anyone that may not know), so you can follow along with that and on my Instagram. And if you didn’t know where my blog name Home of Malones came from, it is actually what I chose when we were building our current home together! You can read construction updates from our current house here. It’s funny to look back through them.
You can follow along with our builder on Instagram @OldSouthPensacola and I am also working with Lacy Phillips Designs as our Interior Decorator. So lots of fun things to come and I’m excited to share it will you guys.
So excited for yall!! Love hearing you talk about Pensacola and Gulf Breeze – we have family all over that area so I have many wonderful memories of the panhandle! The house is looking SO GOOD!! That view through the windows will be so wonderful!
What a gorgeous view! Can’t wait to see the final pics!
Love love love this update!!! It looks so amazing and those front door views are gorgeous. I cannot wait to see the finished product, I know it’s going to be gorgeous!