Scenes From Our Weekend

Happy Monday!  We spent another hot weekend at home here in Florida.  We had fun buying a few more pumpkins and mums for our front porch, celebrating a besties birthday, and then laying pretty low while my hubby continues to heal from his elbow surgery.  He’s doing great and the pain has been very minimal which is awesome!

Before I get into the weekend recap, I wanted to thank all of your for your sweet comments, DM’s and questions from Friday’s Q&A post.  It was such a fun post for me to write and I loved reading every single one of your sweet comments.  I hope it helped you get to know me a little better and it was fun for me to get to hear from some of you that don’t always comment regularly!  I will answer the rest of the questions this week (probably Thursday or Friday!).

Friday morning the kids aren’t in school, so I took them to my Pure Barre class with me (because yes they have childcare!) and then we headed to pick out some more pumpkins at Bailey’s Farmers Market.  They have tons of pretty mums and all different types of pumpkins.

They had these crates of pumpkins at the front of the store with this pretty green background.  In full disclosure, I decided it was the perfect place to snap their photo together and I looked like a total idiot!  It was sitting right at the entrance of the market, so everyone got to see me look like a total goof trying to get these two to smile.  They were not too thrilled as you can tell from this pic ?

After pumpkin picking, I took the kids to Chick-fil-A for lunch and to play on the playground.  We headed home for nap time and to meet my MIL who was coming to stay with the kiddos.

I got showered, dress, ran a few errands and then headed over to my friend Courtney’s house to get ready for her birthday dinner!  They hosted at their house and we had so much fun!!  Her Halloween decorations were so cute, we got everything set up, and we popped the champagne!

I wore this fun dress that is made of the best fabric, these earrings, and these super comfy mules that come in a bunch of colors.  This was actually a dress that I would have never purchased on my own just seeing it online (and its a bit pricey), but I saw Krista in it and fell in love!  Courtney is wearing a cute black dress with fringe sleeves made my Marie Oliver.  If you are local, they sell it at Bluetique ?.

I made this fun pumpkin ball that I will share with you tomorrow.  It was so easy and it really turned out cute!!

We really just hung out most of the weekend.  We ran a few errands, made a mess at the house and Daddy and the kids cooked a pumpkin cake.  It was a fun Fall weekend even if its still 80 degrees!

I hope you have a great week!!




  1. Owen Davis wrote:

    You girls look beautiful! Love both of your dresses!

    Posted 10.18.17
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