The Best Christmas Books for Kids


I realized after Thanksgiving this year as we started pulling out some of our Christmas decoration that we didn’t have very many Christmas books.  It seemed hard to believe because it seems like we are bursting at the seams with books in this house, but it was true.  I started to look around for a few favorites because I could tell Brody was really interested in learning more about Christmas this year and the reason for the season.  I rounded up some of our very favorites for this list and a few that we don’t have yet, that I would love to add to our collection.

For my Mama’s that have younger toddlers, the Christmas Pop Up book and the Little Blue Truck Christmas have been favorites for a couple of years now because they like the entertainment!

:: The Best Christmas Books ::

Little Blue Truck Christmas
Elf on the Shelf
Olive, the Other Reindeer
A Christmas Carol
The Polar Express
The Christmas Story
God Gave Us Christmas
The Littlest Elf
The Christmas Wish
Llama Llama Jingle Bells
Bear Stays Up for Christmas
Christmas in the Manger

Bear Stays Up for Christmas
Christmas in the Manger
Christmas Pop-Up Peekaboo
Fancy Nancy Splendiferous Christmas
Olivia Helps with Christmas
Madeline’s Christmas
Frosty the Snowman 

And if you didn’t get a chance to enter this $1,000 Target gift card giveaway last week, be sure to check it out today! Giveaway closes on the 20th!!

Now…it’s time for a fabulous giveaway!
I’ve teamed up with an amazing group of bloggers
to give YOU a chance to win:
a $1,000 Target Gift Card, just in time for the holidays!

Simply enter below by completing the rafflecopter.
You’ll receive one entry per completion.
This giveaway is open internationally and runs until 12/20.
Winner will be announced here. Good Luck!

$1,000 Target Gift Card Giveaway


  1. Owen Davis wrote:

    Saving this for next year!!

    Posted 12.14.16
  2. Lindsay wrote:

    We love Little Blue Truck! Good Christmas books are hard to find! We just got a Doc McStuffins one from the kiddos school that they are loving!

    Posted 12.15.16
    • wrote:

      Yes they are!! We picked up some cute ones from school this year too!

      Posted 12.15.16

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