Six Months as of February 29th, 2019
I am a month late writing this post because you are almost 7 months now, but I’m playing catch up. So ya’ll bear with me because I need this for my records!! 🙂
Weight: 16 lb 11 oz (58%) At 6 month appointment
Height 27.25″ (90%)
You went to your 6 month check up this month and are gaining weight nicely and hit the 90th percentile for height!
Clothes: You wear clothes anywhere from 6 to 12 months.
Sleep: You have been pretty good with your sleeping but your naps have been a bit erratic and you are occasionally waking up at night. You still go to bed around 7 or 730pm and then you take 2 or 3 naps during the day.
Schedule: We still loosely follow Moms on Call. I try to keep your bottle feedings to every 3 hours throughout the day. Our day time routines change up a bit, but we keep a pretty consistent nighttime routine. You get a bath sometime between 630 and 7 and then have your bottle and go to bed.
A look at the day:
7-8 am wake up and feed
1030 nap
12pm feed
230pm nap
4pm feed
630pm Bath Time
7pm Feed & Bed by 7:30pm
Health: Thankfully you have been super healthy since Thanksgiving.
Crying: You’ve been such a good baby! I swear you only cry when you are hungry or tired.
Feeding: You have been on breastmilk and formula, but I finished pumping at the end of February. You typically take bottles from 6-8 ounces and 4 or 5 throughout the day. Right at 6 months you started your first solids. You tried squash and sweet potatoes. I couldn’t believe how good you did at the very beginning!
Likes: You love laughing at Brody, playing on your play mat, sitting in your chair, learning to sit up on your own, stroller rides, your new mobile center, taking baths in your bath chair.
Dislikes: Being hungry, that’s about it.
Milestones: You got your 2nd tooth this month, started to learn how to sit up on your own and started army crawling already. I couldn’t believe it!
Places You’ve Gone: We didn’t go anywhere with you this month. Mom and Dad left you twice this month though. Once to New Orleans and once to Las Vegas and you were a champ at home with your grandma and sitters!

Just for fun this is a picture of you and Madelyn around the exact same age!