Molly | Month Ten

As usual, I am about a month behind on posting this; but at least it’s done.

Ten Months as of June 29th, 2019


Maybe about 21 or22 lbs. Update at our next doctors appointment

You are wearing 9 month to 18 month clothes
size 3 or 4 shoes
Size 3 diapers

You have been a great sleeper again but you did have a little trouble when we were on vacation in Rosemary Beach in your pack N play.  You were sleeping in a closet in our master bedroom.  Typically you are sleeping from about 730pm to 8am.  Its crazy, but you are pretty much down to one nap on most days.  You dont go down for your nap until around 11 and sleep until about 130.
8am Wake & Bottle
8:30am Breakfast
11 am lunch
1130 or 12pm Nap
230pm Snack
330pm Bottle
5pm Dinner
6:30 Bath & Bottle
7pm Bedtime

Thankfully you have been healthy all month but have had a little runny nose for a week or so when your top teeth were coming in.


Instead of crying these days you SQUEAL.

You have definitely found your voice and love to let us know.

You cry when you are hungry or sometimes when you hear Mamas voice if I have been gone.

You take 4 (6-8oz) bottles a day
You eat three meals a day
Banana, avocado or muffin for breakfast typically
You eat grilled cheese these days, quesadillas, rice, beans, avocados or anything we put in front of you.
Fruit and Veggies purees or lots of finger foods for lunch and dinner
I love that you can pick up your own foods now in the high chair.  I keep you busy with lots of finger foods.
You like everything …sweet potatoes (the favorite), apple, corn, kale, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, squash, avocado, peas
you love watching your brother and sister
chasing the dog
playing peek-a-boo
listening to music
crawling all over the house
bath time
When Madelyn tries to pull on you too hard
diaper changes
You now say Dada and Baba
I’m still waiting on Mama

Your are walking and pulling up on everything…

You got to meet your newest friend Henry!

Places You’ve Gone:
We went to Rosemary Beach!
We went to Destin to meet all of your cousins!
We celebrated big brothers 6th birthday!


Molly | Month One

Molly | Month Two

Molly | Month Three

Molly | Month Four

Molly | Month Five

Molly | Month Six

Molly | Month Seven and Eight

Molly | Month Nine