Molly | Month Five

Five Months as of January 29th, 2019
I’m late as always writing this update.  Trying to base everything off of you turning five months on January 29th.
Weight:  15 or 16 lbs ?  I’m not really sure actually.  We haven’t been to the doctor since your 4 month appointment which you were 14 pounds.
Clothes: You wear clothes anywhere from 3 month to 9 month outfits.
Sleep:  You definitely hit the 4 month sleep regression somewhere between Christmas and the month of January.  You went from sleeping through the night to waking up a couple times during the night.  It seems to be random. One night you will sleep through the night and then the next you will wake up around 330am or so.  You have also been working on your first tooth.  It is on the bottom and I know that irritated you as well.  You are typically taking 3 naps a day still.  They are anywhere from 1 to 2 hours each.
Schedule: We still loosely follow Moms on Call.  I try to keep your bottle feedings to every 3 hours throughout the day.   Our day time routines change up a bit, but we keep a pretty consistent nighttime routine.  You get a bath sometime between 630 and 7 and then have your bottle and go to bed.
A look at the day:
7am wake up and feed
9am nap
10am feed
1130am nap
1pm feed
230pm nap
4pm feed
630pm Bath Time
7pm Feed & Bed by 7:30pm
Health:  Thankfully you have been super healthy all month.  You cut your first tooth and started to get a little bit of a runny nose, but not much.
Crying:  You’ve been such a good baby! I swear you only cry when you are hungry or tired.
Feeding:  Right around Christmas time, I started adding a little formula to your bottles.  So now we are are doing breastmilk mixed with formula.  You seem to be doing pretty well with it!  You feed every three hours.  Usually a 6 to 8 ounce bottle.
Likes:  Your play mat is your favorite thing to roll around on.  You also have a little bouncer that you like with toys on it and you love a stroller ride.  You love laughing at your big brother, following Mamas voice, sitting in the bumbo and taking a bath at night.  You have also been great in the carseat which is so nice.
Dislikes: Being hungry, that’s about it.
Milestones:  You are rolling over and you got your first tooth (1/17/29).
Places You’ve Gone:  We take you all around town but we didn’t go anywhere in January.
Life with Three:  I traveled to NYC this month and left you for the first time.  It was my first time leaving all three kids.  Grammy came to move in with Daddy for the weekend to help with all the kiddos.  Organizing help for three kids is definitely a little more work than with two.


Molly | Month One

Molly | Month Two

Molly | Month Three
Molly | Month Four