You are wearing 9 month to 18 month clothes
size 3 shoes
Size 3 diapers
Your sleep has been a little sporadic lately thanks to your two top teeth coming in. You usually sleep from 7pm to 7am, but you have sometimes been waking up once at night or when Mommy and Daddy were out of town, you were waking up at 530am! You nap two times a day, but some days this summer have already been a little hectic and sometimes you only get one. Your naps are about 1.5 hrs long.
Thankfully you have been healthy all month but have had a little runny nose for a week or so when your top teeth were coming in.
You cry when mommy leaves the room sometimes
And when you are hungry!
You take 4 (6-8oz) bottles a day
You eat three meals a day
Banana, avocado or muffin for breakfast typically
Fruit and Veggies purees or lots of finger foods for lunch and dinner
You like everything …sweet potatoes (the favorite), apple, corn, kale, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, squash, avocado, peas
you love watching your brother and sister
chasing the dog
playing peek-a-boo
listening to music
When Madelyn tries to pull on you too hard
diaper changes
Pulling up and walking when holding on to things
Started pulling up and then letting go and standing on your own for a few seconds
You stand up in your crib now and move all around
Pushing and walking with radio flyer
We celebrated your Baptism at GBUMC
You have gone to the pool a lot lately and do pretty well in your little float!
We stayed home most all month!
:: Nine Month Favorites ::
Radio Flyer Walker // VTech Roll and Learn Activity Suitcase // Boon High Chair // My Little Tea Pot // Rocktivity Piano
Molly | Month Seven and Eight