11 Months as of 7/29/19
Weight: I would guess 21lbs. We will go back to doc at 12 months.
Clothes: 12 to 18 month clothes!
Sleep: Sleep has been great. Since summer time you pretty much sleep from about 7pm to about 8am every morning! You have pretty much moved to one nap now though. You typically take about a 2 hour nap sometime around 12-2pm.
Schedule: 8 am wake up, breakfast and bottle, playtime, lunch around 11am and then get ready for your nap. Wake up from nap and play. Bottle usually around 3pm and then dinner around 5pm. Bath at 630 and bed at 7.
Health: healthy all month which has been so so nice!
Crying: You cry sometimes when you fall now that you are walking. And you hate getting your diaper changed.
Feeding: You are eating three meals a day. You eat all kinds of things. You love sweet potatoes and turkey and chicken and grilled cheese and avocado. You pretty much eat everything.
Likes: Now that you are walking and have your freedom, you love following your big bro and sis. You love walks and bath time. You are a good sleeper. You love the pool and do pretty well at the beach.
Dislikes: teething and falling over and when your siblings smother you!
Milestones: You got some new teeth this month and you went from taking your first step or two to walking all over the place. You have said a few new words or sounds. Sometimes even wave bye bye.
Places You’ve Gone: We went to Destin for almost a week this month and you did great. We took you to your first water park, Big Kahunas. You had lots of fun.

12 Months as of 8/29/19
Weight: 22 pounds at your one year check up!
Clothes: 12 to 18 month clothes!
Sleep: Sleep has been good. You sleep from 7pm to almost 8am every morning. We have really lucked out with you sleeping in in the mornings. However, you dropped to one nap pretty early on and it can be anywhere from one hour to probably 2.5 hours.
Schedule: pretty much same as last month. 8 am wake up, breakfast and bottle, playtime, lunch around 11am and then get ready for your nap. Wake up from nap and play. Bottle usually around 3pm and then dinner around 5pm. Bath at 630 and bed at 7.
Health: I thought you were going to avoid it, but you ended up catching a cough from the big kids and also have had a runny nose.
Crying: You have been pretty whiney this month thanks to not feeling good. The only good news is that you have still been sleeping pretty well. You have definitely started to cry when Mama walks out the room now too.
Feeding: You are eating three meals a day and love everything that I put on your plate. You have had a stuffy nose lately, so sometimes you haven’t been as interested but mostly, you are a good eater.
Likes: Mommy to sit on the floor with you, going on walks, walking around with a lovie, following big bro and sis.
Dislikes: when Mommy leaves the room!
Milestones: YOU TURNED ONE! You still have maybe only said Mama like one time. I can’t get you to really say it. But you will repeat random words sometimes that we tell you. You say Stinky just like your sister did when we change your stinky diapers.
Places You’ve Gone: We were home for most of August and then we took you to Rosemary Beach for Labor Day weekend to celebrate your birthday!